I've made an AU lmao

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Well it started out as an rp between me and RainbowTheComrade on discord, whom is a great friend of mine irl, and we were kinda just messing around at first, her letting her cousin pick the basic topic of what it was. That being either

1.) Kind where one is abandoned and the other person finds them and takes care of them like a mom
2.) Where they're best friends and go on all sorts of adventures and stuff

So after that we decided on number 1 lol

Then I went as Spinel and eventually we came to the conclusion that she'd be Steven lol so now we have this joke that Steven is a wonderful mother-
And that Connie would make a good dad lmao-

But anywho Steven finds Spinel in the middle of the night hiding behind some dumpster in an alley, crying since she was lost, scared, and had no clue where she was or how exactly she got there other than that she got pushed through a warp pad and warped to Earth. Also Spinel ends up poofing from being upset and is in her reformed form before meeting Steven, whom upon meeting her, thought she was a human child due to her sounding like one and her size, which is much smaller than the actual Spinel because she is bb and we thought it would be cute but anywho, Steven soon realized she was a gem and took her to his home, helping her with understanding many things about Earth and figuring out where exactly she came from, whilst nearly coddling her as she is still rather innocent and pretty much mentally a 5 year old like the past one. She literally makes a mess of his house when he leaves to return Connie's laptop to her and to get groceries, only to come back and find Spinel had kept herself entertained, which in result sacrificed the walls of his house to markers and crayons and whatever else She found to draw, as well as finding Cat Steven's cat food and a carton of milk, that being spilled on the floor. So ye Steven seems to have taken a bigger bite than he can chew, but he's determined to help her get back home and to help take care of her, he's even let her sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the couch and takes her out to play in a park nearby every now and then and overall has been watching over her as if she were a little sister or his own child.

So here's some art I made quickly that I'll make a digital version of soon.

It was literal hell trying to remember how to draw sandles for some fuggin reason AUGHH-

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It was literal hell trying to remember how to draw sandles for some fuggin reason AUGHH-

but I eventually remembered lol

But ye the Au has been respectfully called Mother Steven lmao and I'll maybe post parts of the rp on a separate book soon. I'll post more art of this soon UwU cause a lot of cute shizz happens lol

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