Clouds and Sunshine

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The little girl came running into her mother's embrace. Tears streamed from her eyes, her face soaked. As she looked up into the woman's eyes she felt safe.

"What happened darling?" I knew.

"Where's Daddy?"

"Daddy will be coming over..soon.."

~~~~~Earlier that Week~~~~~

I'd been struck down..blood splattered all around me. My blood. Of all the times I'd been involved with danger this encounter would be my last..Miranda and Sadie...Sadie to grow up without a father...Miranda to be left alone..a widow...

Being strong now wouldn't make a difference. I knew death was coming for me.

I called in to my squad back at the camp. They had heard the explosion and I told them to stay back until they knew it was safe, hearing the tone in my voice, my squad knew I wouldn't be coming over later. I had a last request.


-"Hello? Is this Mrs.North?"

"Yes? Who's calling?"

"We're your husband's squad.....he..has something to tell you." no no no...please not this..not now...only a matter of hours before you come home...


"Dayton...." Tears already welled in my eyes.

"It's cloudy back home huh? Remember all of those days when the sun hid behind those dark clouds? I never told you are my only sunshine...and you make happy when skies are gray.."

His breathing faltered.

"You and Sadie are my only sunshine. I hope to one day see a sunny sky, knowing you two created the beauty.."

~~~~Present Day~~~~

The homecoming.

"Mama? Where's-" Music erupted as the many soldiers entered, coming back home, returning to their families.

"Daddy is taking forever to get off the plane Mama! Where is he? All of the other soldiers got off."

Soon enough the soldiers came back and stood in their two separate lines, the music lowered and slowed, heads bowed and arms raised in salute. A man carrying a folded flag knelt down before Sadie.

"Take it from him baby girl..." Sadie's small arms held the cloth, she wasn't understanding what was going on. Why all these brave people had tears in their eyes and solemn faces, why everyone around bowed their heads and hugged her mother.

"Your father was a strong man. He was very brave. Think of him as a hero, we all do.."

"But Daddy's coming home?!"

" in a better place now..he's watching you from the sky.." The sun shone in through the window.


Once her father had been lowered into the ground Sadie understood that her father wasn't coming home. That he was with all of the other brave soldiers who went to live in the sky. The sun dried her tears..

***Through the years whenever Sadie came running to me for comfort, I would sing her "You Are My Sunshine", ever since her father had died it's what I would do. Carrying on his legacy..***

~~~~~Twenty Years Later~~~~~


Rain was pouring down, wasn't the greatest weather for a night out but it'd be fine once I got inside. Driving down a straightaway my car's phone rang. I pressed the button to pick up the call.

-"...Hey baby girl.." Mom? Why'd she sound like this?

"Hey Mom. Everything all right?" I hadn't seen her for a while.

"I just...wanted to say goodbye.." No. Mom couldn't be dying..she couldn't leave me too. This wasn't supposed to happen. She couldn't leave me..she said she'd always be there for me..

"Mom stay there. I'll be there as soon as I can."

I drove. Keeping my mother on the line. Her breathing was becoming more and more faint. You aren't dying alone if you have to die...

She lived almost two hours away. With my schedule being as busy as it'd been I hadn't had the chance to talk with her much. Now she wasn't going to be here..

When I pulled up to her house I threw my keys out of the ignition and ran inside. The door had been unlocked by her.

She was on the floor coughing and her body seemed much too small. What'd happened to her?


"Momma?" Tears were flowing fast. Both of our faces stained by them.

"Darling..I..I'm sorry.." The rain still poured down. I sat down and held my mother like she'd used to do with me. She was like a child to me in comparison.

"...You are my sunshine...." No. This was her end..she was trying to comfort me..It was my turn now..

"My only sunshine.."

"..You make me..happy.."

"When skies are gray.."

"...You'll never know I" She was slipping away.

"Please don't take my sunshine away.."

"..The other night dear..when I lay sleeping..I dreamt I held my arms...when I awoke dear...I was I hung my head and cried.."

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine..." She was colder..

"..You make me happy when skies are grey...You'll never know much I love you..."

My mother laid her head down onto my shoulder...her body limp and cold..but she went out of life with a smile on her small face, and in her daughter's embrace..

"Please don't take my sunshine...away..."

The sun shone through the window onto her face.

You are our sunshine. Our only sunshine....


The singing is back and forth between the daughter and mother "..." will be Miranda

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