Good Graces

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Oswald snored softly, deep in sleep and wrapped tightly in his thin sheets and throw blanket. He sighed and turned in his bed. Face slightly scrunching up in pain and slowly relaxing after a moment. His disheveled hair stuck out in all directions. 

It was dawn and the sun was slowly beginning its rise. 

Arkham was free from screams and loud banging. For now, at least. 


Y/N sat in her bed shivering from the cold. She had been one of the unlucky ones to have a room where a cold draft seemed to originate from the floor. Only having a sheet to wrap herself with, her face fell. She wasn't provided a comforter. She desperately yearned for warmth.

'I'll just have to steal someone else's.'  She thought. She contemplated stealing Jerome's, but that'd be too risky. He'd have his guards there for sure. 

Some of the other inmates had complained about the lack of warm blankets. In the end, it was ignored and left up to luck instead. Whoever got them, got them. Y/N slid her right hand into her bra and felt a thick metal. Pulling it out, she smiled. In her hand she held a key.

 Oswald's cell key. 

Some inmates, those who can be trusted, are usually rewarded for good behavior and may receive their cell key as a reward. It was a privilege to be able to roam around freely. As long as no trouble was caused. She worked long and hard to be able to get the opportunity to earn hers. Back then, security was tight. Thankfully, Jerome's influence changed things. When Penguin was admitted to Arkham, she broke into the abandoned security room when Jerome's guards were on active duty. She located where the other cell keys were hidden. When no one was looking, she quickly snatched his key. 

With Jerome, that was obviously another story. He didn't need any key, he had power. Many feared to rise up against him. As long as she stood out of his way, he could care less about her whereabouts. She hoped to avoid sparking his suspicion for awhile longer. Penguin was her ticket out of here, she was sure of it.


A soft knock roused Oswald from his sleep. Groaning, he raised his head. Squinting his eyes he looked towards his door half asleep. 

"It's me. May I come in?" 

Hearing Y/N's voice, Oswald slowly sat up and stretched carefully. Sighing, he scratched his head and slid his hand down his face. Careful to avoid his wounds. 

"Yes, you may come in." his husky voice answered.

His door was unlocked and she stepped in. Her feet padding across the cold tiled floor. She pulled his chair a bit and sat on the side of the seat, facing his cell's opening. Oswald regarded her silently. 

"So, how are you feeling?" she asked quietly, finally peering over at him.

Oswald raised his eyebrows and looked down for a moment. Setting his face into a false grin, he looked over. "Just fabulous." he replied in a sarcastic tone. 

"No need for the attitude. I came in to check on you." she rolled her eye looking away.

Pressing his lips together, he clenched his jaw, looking pointedly at his guest. "Pray tell, how are you able to roam about and access my cell? Why take sudden interest in me?" he paused losing his breath. Quickly inhaling more air, he continued. "Jerome's behind this and I know it!" he spat venomously, his face twisted in anger. Neck muscles straining from said anger. In response, his body shook, seemingly overflowing from the feeling. Almost as if it couldn't contain his passion. 

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