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Alighting the empty bus, exposing herself to the cold season and speed walking through the snow to her favourite cafe , A Twosome Place. It is near her university and in her opinion, has the best Iced Coffee. Lizzy goes there after a long lecture because it helps wake her up for the next one. She pushes the glass door and sighs in relief at the lack of crowd. Greeting the employees with a smile who are accustomed to her presence, she orders an Iced Coffee and settles down to do her school work on her laptop. After a while, she took a break, stretching a bit. However, a man catches her eye. She looks at him and is astonished at how attractive this man is. His chic fashion, sharp nose , his deep brown eyes turning into mocha under the cafe's lighting , the stern look on his face and his-

Her thoughts are interrupted by the realisation that he caught her staring, smirking and winking at her. She looks away, flustered and tries to refocus on her school work. She glances up at him when he laughs softly and takes a sip from his drink, an Iced Coffee she assumes. The beautiful man has cute dimples , she thought, smiling to herself. She shook her head and snaps her attention back onto her work.
It's still a long time before her next lecture but she was done with her school work. She was thinking of what she is going to do next when suddenly someone pulls out the empty seat in front of her.

"Hello, I saw you staring ," the pretty man sat in front of her, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Um well I uh- " Caught off-guard, she froze up, eyes wide and mouth ajar. Her face began to turn as red as a tomato, full of embarrassment. He laughs lightly at her. Even his laugh makes her feel warm inside.

"I'm Changkyun," he brings his hand out for a handshake "Nice to meet you." 

"Oh uh I'm Lizzy, nice to meet you too." She shook his hand hesitantly, her feet fidgeting uncontrollably. She isn't used to talking to strangers.

After talking for a bit, Lizzy starts warming up to him, now leaning into the conversation in comfort. She is no longer tensed about what she assumed a stern man.

"We take the same course, but we never see each other! Yet we meet here coincidentally, " Changkyun states, laughing along with Lizzy.

"I know right! Hey, it's time for us to go, the lecture is starting soon," Lizzy starts packing up hastily.

"Nah I'm not going, I have something important to do," Changkyun takes a sip from his Iced Coffee, his eyes on Lizzy.

"Oh ok, well , here's my number, let's chat some other time, okay?" She hurriedly writes her phone number down on a napkin and bids farewell to him. He waves goodbye to her. Looking at the napkin with a smile and saving her number on his phone while Lizzy walks to the bus stop, thinking about Changkyun, her new and very cute friend.

Later that evening, Lizzy receives a text.

Unknown: Hey cutie,it's Changkyun

Lizzy: Oh hey pretty boy!

Changkyun: Pretty boy??

Lizzy: Yeah that's what I'm gonna call you from now on

Changkyun: LMAO okay cutie, so you wanna meet up this friday? I know you're free from classes since we got the same schedule

Lizzy: Sure lmao, we could just get coffee, let's meet up in front of the university

Changkyun: Aight, cutie. Hope you're not too excited to see this pretty ass ;)

Lizzy: STFU PRETTY BOY -.- alright I'mma do my work ,bYE

Changkyun: Okay cutie, don't miss me too much ;)) - SEEN

Lizzy laughs at Changkyun's cheekiness,smiling widely at her phone screen. Her best friend, Shy, was curious what's making her laugh.

"Bro what are you laughing at?" Shy leans in, invading Lizzy's personal space as much as possible, to see what's on Lizzy's phone that's so entertaining.

"IS THAT A BOY?" Lizzy tries to hide her phone screen from her best friend's sight. 

"YES but we are just friends dude!" Lizzy sets her phone aside and goes back to her work.

"Alrighty then, if you say so," Shy's attention goes back to her phone, busy reading some kind of fanfic while sprawled out on the couch like a cat. Lizzy shakes her head at Shy with a smile. 

On Thursday night, Lizzy tries to find an outfit but she has already gone through almost all of her clothes. She can't seem to find the perfect one for tomorrow. She falls onto her bed in saddening defeat but then she receives a text.

Changkyun: 'sup cutie, getting ready for me?

Lizzy: hey pretty boy and no ew -.- I'm trying to find a good outfit but I can't find one! This is so stressful.

Changkyun: I'm very sure you look cute in everything, don't stress about it. We're just hanging out so just wear something casual.

Lizzy: ee I doubt that, anyways I'll try not to cry about this , brb I'mma try again

Changkyun: Okay beautiful, I'm here if you need help  ;)

Lizzy: boy if you don't- BYE

Grinning from ear to ear, she sits up on her bed. Noticing and remembering the piles of clothing thrown on the floor, Lizzy sighs.

"Need help , babygirl?" Shy appears at the door, leaning against the frame , arms crossed.

"Yes oh my god," Lizzy stands up and starts pacing back and forth in the room. "It's not even a date but I don't know why I'm so stressed about this."

"You want to impress him , don't you?" Shy smirks and approaches Lizzy. Shy brings her hands to Lizzy's shoulders, stopping Lizzy in her tracks. Bringing her face close to Lizzy's. "You do! Your cheeks are red!" Lizzy couldn't stop blushing, she  turns a brighter shade of red per second. She hides her face in her hands to conceal her embarrassment.

"He is just so... PERFECT! I feel like I'm not on his level or something." Lizzy moves pasts Shy and starts cleaning up the piles of clothes. Shy lends a helping hand.

"Honey, it's no big deal, just wear something simple. Maybe jeans and a white t-shirt with sneakers. Like you said, it's not a date and he is just a friend, so just chill dude." Shy comforts Lizzy, giving her a heartwarming smile.

"You know what, you're right. I shouldn't stress over something stupid like this." Lizzy smiles back, quickening the pace so that her room could be clear of messy clothes and finally be able to rest.

The Uproar of the Heart - A Changkyun FicWhere stories live. Discover now