*Day One*

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My name is Juliette Pierce, a 17 year old girl living in Salem Massachusetts. I have a younger brother called Arthur Pierce.

We currently live with my aunt, since my parents died in the car accident things changed a lot. New school, new city, new friends, new opportunities.

It's my first day at Massachusetts High school and I am on my last nerve, what if I don't make friends? What if no one likes me? I just want to get through this day, I don't have energy for this day.

As I get out of the car I turn to my Aunt, Jennifer, asking her to please be on time when school ends for the day, because I don't want to sit here and wait, I just want to go home.

The bell rang for the first period, I closed my locker and walked to my English class. I knew in the back of my head this is going to be a lonely day because I don't have  any friends yet.

"Hi! I'm Jenna!" I heard behind me. "Are you new here?" Yes I am, I'm Juliette, Juliette Pierce. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jenna Saltzman" It's nice to meet you Jenna, I hope we can be friends? I asked very nervous. "Of course, I don't have friends myself" Jenna replied.

At least I have a friend now, so I don't have to worry about being alone at school, yet I'm still stressed out about what this day may hold in store for me.

As break time arrived, Jenna and I found ourselves a nice spot to sit and enjoy our break. We told jokes and laughed until we had headaches.

Finally, the bell rang for the end of the day. I'm glad to see Jennifer is on time. "Jenna do you want a ride home?" I offered, Jenna kindly declined.

"How was your first day?" Jennifer asked. "It was fine," I replied with a sad attitude. I just need to take a nap, I'm so exhausted. This day took forever to pass.

As I got home I went straight to bed to take a nap, my nap turned into a deep sleep and I slept for rather a few hours.

I woke up with a huge bang from a nightmare, out of breath and sweat dripping off my forehead. As I woke up I noticed my window is open, and I can't remember opening it. I stood up to close my window, suddenly I noticed a girl in white dress standing in the rosegarden at the back of the house. She is looking straight at me, I fail to recognize her face because her hair is over her face. I tried to communicate, hoping it's Jenna trying to come visit me, the girl turned around with no reply and walked towards the woods, disappearing in the shadows of the trees. I went back to bed trying to forget everything I just saw.

As I lied in bed, frightened, I knew that was no plain nightmare, because I saw that girl standing in front of my bed, in my room, looking at me. I struggled to fall asleep but eventually I fell asleep and forgot all about what just happened.

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