*Day Two*

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Ughh! I sigh as I realize it's time for me to get ready for school. I'm still confused and shocked and freaked out about what hapoened last night. That was really freaky.

As I walked into the kitchen Jennifer was busy preparing breakfast, I asked Jennifer if she noticed a girl in a white dress in the rosegarden last night, but Jenna shook her head saying she didn't notice anyone. I explained everyting to Jennifer and she laughed, insisting that maybe I was still asleep at that moment, although I know I was wide awake. I asked Arthur but Arthur also did not notice that girl, maybe I am going psycho.

On our way to school, I just sat quietly in the car, just listening to my music and ignoring the world around me. As we arrived at school Jenna is already waiting for me at school. I jumped out of the car and stumbled to Jenna, burning to tell her what happend.

First I asked Jenna if she was at my house last night, but she laughed and said she doesn't even know where I live, so it couldn't have been Jenna trying to prank me, now I am worried. "Maybe you should go to the police" Jenna insisted.

Time passed rather quickly at school today, I only have one thing on my brain the whole day, and that is the mystery girl from last night. I'm still trying to figure everything out, why would the girl go into the woods? It's dangerous because of all the criminals hiding at the old sanatorium up the hill.

Maybe I should go there tonight, I love exploring so this would be a great opportunity to explore the new city, I thought by myself.

The bell rang for the next period, which happens to be history. Fabulous, more talking about witch trials and 'witchy history'. I can feeling I'm in need of a nap again, struggling to keep my eyes open in the classroom.

At the end of the day I asked Jenna if I could walk home with her, Jennifer is working late and I don't want to walk alone. Jenna once again declined, and just suddenly disappeared, I couldn't even see which why she went.

On my way home I passed the old witch house in Essex street, it's a lovely home I thought by myself, I would turn into a witch just to come live here. I laughed and went back on my journey home.

As I got home I saw Arthur is already at home, I already knew the little bastard skipped school, but I held my cool and just went to my room to lay down for a quick nap, my nap once again turned into a deep sleep, just like the previous night.

I woke up once again, same time, same scenario. Dreamt of a girl with a white dress, black hair and staring at me. Once again my window is wide open, scared as hell to stand up to close the window.

I got up and looked out the window and guess who is standing in the rosegarden? Miss mystery. I tried to communicate, but once again no answer. But tonight will be different I said, as the girl turned around... I jumped out the window. "Tonight I'm following you!" I shouted as I ran towrds her. The faster I run the more I start to lose her, eventually I lost her in the middle of the old cemetery. I turned around and went back home, to tired to go further. Not going to the sanatorium 3:13 in the morning, it's way to dangerous.

I climbed back in my bed and went back to sleep, cold and confused. How you I lose that girl so quick? I was on her tail. I thought myself asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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