The Potion

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Once upon a time lived two kingdoms one being "Altea" and  the second one being "Daibazaal." The Princes of "Daibazaal" name is Keith Kogane he has an raven hair mullet. His mother is the Queen of "Daibazaal" she is the best queen that the land has ever seen. The other kingdom Is "Altea" the Princes name is Lance McClain he has beautiful tan skin. His sister Allura is the Queen of "Altea." Two Princes are on there way to the wood but they don't know each other.

In the kingdom of "Daibazaal" Keith was in the back of the castle. At the back of the castle was the woods so as Keith slowly walked in the the wood. Keith was vary nervous and scared. He walked right into the woods his Mom does not know that he Was leaving. Keith knows that when she finds out that he is missing she will be worried and have the whole kingdom looking for him. According he will have to move fast to get to the middle of the woods.

Well Keith was doing that, back at the kingdom of "Altea" Lance was yelling with his sister.
"¡¡LANCE YOU CAN'T GO INTO THOSE WOODS!!" Allura said very loud and madly
" I have to it is the only way to put a STOP to the curse. I know that it is dangerous but I have to Allura you need to understand please." Lance said to Allura calmly
"If you must go and it is the only way to stop it then go, but of you don't make it I just want you to know I love you little brother." Allura said sadly hugging her brother.
Lance made his way out of the castle with his satchel and into the woods. Just like Keith, Lance made his way to the middle to the woods.

As Keith is walking in the woods he hears footsteps. Keith is scared to he decided to investigate on it. He hides behind the trees and see a princes that has a blue cape and white shirt and paint that complements his tan skin. He reminds Keith of a photo that he  seen. Keith didn't have much time to think on that because Lance seen him and started to walk over to Keith. Keith was snapped out of his thought when Lance was standing right in front of Keith.
"Hello I am Princes Lance McClain of "Altea" nice to meet you and your name is???" Lance said in his speech voice, to the tall purple figure standing in front of him. He had a black jumpsuit on with glowing purple marks on it.
" Oh yes how rude of me I am Princes Keith Kogane of " Daibazaal" and I am on my way to the middle of the woods." Keith explained to the shorter Altean in front of him.
" That is the way I am going, let me assume this to break the curse. That the evil witch put over the lands?!" Lance assume when he asked Keith.
"Well yes, precisely but I had to run away form home because I would never be able to come if I told someone mainly my mother." Keiry said a little worried
" I had to convince my sister Queen Allura to let me come" Lance said sadly  
"Well Shall we be going now??"
Keith said

As the two boys made there way over into the middle of the woods that heard an explosion. They run over to a big tree and hide behind it they both scared but acting brave. They look from around the tree to see a big rock monster.
" We must be right by the Center if the woods because of what I read is that, there is a ginormous stone monster guarding the center!!" Keith said trying not to get the monsters attention.
" I will take your word on that Mullet." Lance said Kind of jokingly.
The two boys run behind trees, bushes, and rock to try and not get seen by the stone beast. The two Princes makes it to the big cave that was the center of the woods. They slowly walked into the cave it was very echoey, so they had to be quite because there where bats and they did not want to wake them up from there slumber. The Princes soon see an light not to far into the cave. As Lance and Keith walked closer they herd some one call their names.
The cave said Lance and Keith was startled at first but the light just kept repeating their names. When they got to the light it was a door. Keith nodded to Lance as he slowly turned the nob on the door. Lance looked inside and he saw that there was an old woman. One the door was fully open the boys walked in.
"oh hello dears why such two Princes come to the middle of the wood ms and live??" The old lady said in an raggedy voice
" We are here to stop the Curse  that the evil witch put over are two kingdoms miss." Lance said in his announcement voice
" Well you to boys have come to the right place I will make up an potion to stop it" the Old Lady said
The room was lined with strings of different types of potions and ingredients to. There was also shelves full. What happened 16 years ago was that both Lance McClain and Keith Kogane was Born to this day. The evil Witch said that,"On this day when the two Princes of the two kingdoms are bought into this world the land will slowly rot, but when the boys turn 16 they can break the curse over the two kingdoms. They will have to meet in the middle of the woods and drink the potion.!!!"
The old women finally finished making the potion and put it in two cups and hand it to lance and Keith.
"Are you sure that this is save to drink ma'am??" Keith said nervously
"oh yes very safe you guys will be fine trust me." The old lady said calmly
The two Princes slowly drank every last drop of the potion. As the two boys finished the drink the woods started to come back more green and the rotting started to go a way.

The Princes thanked the Old women and when out of the cave.  The boys both wowed as that have never seen the woods this nice before. After they said there good byes and decided to go back to there kingdom. They both made to home safely. At "Altea"Lance sister was so happy to see him. Then at "Daibazaal" Keith's Mother did have the whole kingdom looking for him. She could had not have been happier to see her son safe and sound.  The two kingdoms lived happily ever after.


1150 words
Ok so this is my school assignment, and I did make it KLance but I don't think that my teacher knows what Voltron is sooo I think I am ok. I will try to rewrite it over Christmas break, and put more KLance parts and turn it into more parts soooo. Well I hope that you guys like it soooo bye.😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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