Ch.28 Are you asking me out on a date Styles?

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I woke up the next morning and I got into the shower. After I got out I straightened my hair and put it up in a bun. I'm up on a under Amour t-shirt and some running shorts. Then I went downstairs and harry was cooking breakfast and he said "good morning love" "good morning" I sat down ask harry brung me some scrambled eggs and some milk. And he sat down with me and we ate our breakfast. After we were done I washed dishes while Harry dried them. While we were doing the dishes Harry said "um hey Lily I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tonight?" "Is Harry Styles Asking me out on a date?" "Yeah he is" "well then yes Harry I would love to go on a date with you." "Yay!!" He picked me up and twirled me and around and then he kissed me and said "come on let's go to to Louis house!!" "Ok" we get in Harry's car and drove to Louis house.

We get there and Harry knocked on the door and louis opened the door and said "hello friends come on in!" He yelled and I giggled and Eleanor was here we hugged and she said "I have missed you!" "Yeah me too!" "Ok tell me all about it" then I said "ok so harry asked me out on a date for tonight!" "OMG!! I'm going to help you get ready!" "Ok!" Then harry and louis walked in and Louis said "are y'all up to some Finding Nemo!"
"Yes!!" We all said and then we sat on the couch to watch the movie.

After the movie was over Eleanor said "ok Harry you go home and get ready for you and Lilys date and she will get ready here and we will text you when we are done and you can pick her up here ok so shoo!" She pushed him
Out of the door and I laughed and she said "come on Lily let's get you ready!"

Eleanor curled my hair and then put on some make up and then she said "ok now go put on your dress!" "Ok" I smiled and I took off my clothes and put on my white dress that had blue flowers on it and then i walked back out and El said "so what do you think?"
She stop me in front of her full body mirror and I couldn't believe how good
Of a job she did! My make up was perfect you could tell it was there but it looked natural just like the way I like it. Then she curled my hair perfect! "You look beautiful Lily" El said and I said "Thankyou" she hugged me and said "Harry is here" "ok" we walked down stairs and Harry was there and he was frozen the he said "you look gorgeous Lily" he kissed my cheek and I said "Thankyou harry you look handsome as well" "why thankyou" he put his arm around my waist and then we told Louis and El good bye and then louis yelled "use protection!" And El said "oh louis!" We laughed and then
We walked out to Harry's car he opened my door and helped me in and I said "Thankyou" and then he closed my door and then he slid on the bumper and fell on his face and I could help but I laugh. He got in and he was blushing and he said "that didn't work out as planned" I laughed and he did too and then we drove off.

We get to this restaurant and it was beautiful and Harry opened my door and I got out and he held my hand and we walked inside. The waiter said "who is this for?" "Styles" "oh ok right this way" we went up some steps and we were on top of the restaurant and there was a table with some champagne and some rose pedals. We sat down and we order out food and the waiter walked off. "Harry this is beautiful" "look up" I looked up and the sky was full of stars. "Wow it is so beautiful" "yes it is just like you." I blushed and looked down then the waiter came back with our food.

After we were done eating me and harry laid down on the roof and looked up at the stars. Then harry grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes and said "Lily I'm so sorry for how I treated you in school and I promise that I will never hurt you again and I don't care if we are step bother or sister that doesn't matter because I love you too much for that to stop me for asking you this. Lily Marie Jackson will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes Harry I would be honored to be your girlfriend" he smiled and kissed me. That was such a good night and I will never forget this moment.
Harry and Lily are going out!!!!!!!! I hope you guys liked it!!! I love you guys!!


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