There's nothing going on.

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Lucifer growled and swatted Alastor's hand away. "Go fuck yourself.. please." He added. "Hah. No." Alastor chuckled. "Come pet. Show me what being the ruler of hell is all about."

Lucifer grimaced, but complied. "I fucking hate you." He mumbled softly before teleporting them away to the castle. "You can never be king of Hell on your own." Lucifer explained. "Hell  is my creation and therefore tied to me. The barrier surrounding the pocket dimension that is Hell, is upheld and maintained by me."

Alastor nodded. "But you do decide if trouble makers need to die don't you?"

"That's all you're interested in? Erasing your competition?" Lucifer huffed.

"Oh a few other things such as financing stuff I want to succeed. Not to mention how I have my own attack dog now." Alastor purred.

"I'm not fighting for you." Lucifer growled. "Are you not?" Alastor send a shock of pain through Lucifer's body. He screamed and glared at Alastor. "I'll have you obedient by the end of the month.~" Alastor purred. "You'll be calling me master soon enough."

Lucifer looked disgusted. He opened his mouth to start cursing Alastor, only to be silenced with a glare. He closed his mouth, huffing softly.

"Well then we should get going... do you have an animal form?" Alastor hummed looking at Lucifer. Lucifer raised an eyebrow and took the form of a snake. "Of courssse. Are you stupid?"

Alastor send a high amount of pain through the serpent's body. Lucifer curled in on himself. "Message received, I'm sorry." The devil groaned.

"You're right you are." Alastor growled. "Now change into something less obvious. "

Lucifer took the form of a hellhound. "Better?" He blinked in surprise at Alastor. His ears had gone down, his eyes wide as he froze. Lucifer felt the pure unadulterated fear radiating off of Alastor. A fear that settled into his core and quickly made him shift into a crow.

Alastor slowly relaxed as the bird settled into his lap. Lucifer would have never given comfort to the deer demon if he hadn't been so terrified. "What was that?" Lucifer muttered as Alastor raked his claws through Lucifer's black feathers.

"You can feel my distress. The mark makes sure you'll want to make me feel better. So if I'm in trouble you'll always come save me." Alastor hummed softly. He wasn't smiling for once. It unnerved Lucifer.

"How romantic." He scoffed softly. He wished he could deny that the petting felt nice. Lucifer closed his eyes slowly in delight.

"Come pet. We have a hotel to run." Alastor got up. Lucifer hopped off his hand and flew up above the radio demon. He found that he couldn't stray far as he started choking when he reached a certain distance. Gagging he flew back to Alastor and settled on his shoulder. A grumpy puff of feathers.

Alastor chuckled. "Aren't you cute. " he walked in the direction of the hotel as Lucifer squawked at him. 


Alastor knocked on the door of the hotel with his large grin in place.

Charlie opened the door for them. "Where have you been?" She asked curiously.

"Nowhere in particular. I made a new friend." Alastor showed Charlie the crow on his shoulder. "Ooh. Does he have a name?" She tried to pet Lucifer. The crow shied away from her touch.

"Not yet. Perhaps you can think of a name, my dear." Alastor offered her. Charlie thought about it. "Well.. how about.."

Lucifer did not look happy at the prospect of his daughter naming him. "Satan." Charlie said cheerfully. "Excuse you?" Alastor blinked. "Yeah. Satan. It fits him. He has daddy's I'm going to kill you all look." Charlie petted the shocked bird.

Alastor frowned slightly. "Satan it is." He turned cheerful again.

Lucifer looked extremely offended. He puffed up his feathers to show his anger. Charlie took it as a sign of 'Satan' being content with the name. "Look he likes it." The naive demon princess giggled.

Alastor chuckled at the sight of them. "Thank you for providing me with a name for him. Satan and I will retire to my room now. It's been a long day." He took the bird from her and walked up the stairs while Charlie waved at him.

Once safely behind closed doors Lucifer took his usual form again. "I can't believe you let her name me." He crossed his arms.

Alastor chuckled softly. "Only fair don't you think? You named her after all...~"

Lucifer stared blankly at the wall. "Jesus christ the irony is thick in this one." He groaned and let himself fall onto the bed. "Lucifer... you're not sleeping there. Get off." Alastor huffed.

Lucifer glared at him. "You can either suck it up and spoon me or sleep on the floor yourself." He greatly enjoyed the flustered reaction Alastor gave him.

"Fine if that's what you wish." He started  stripping. It was Lucifer's turn to blush. "Ahh.. what are you doing?" He closed his eyes quickly. "Getting naked ofcourse. I always sleep in the nude." Alastor gave him a wicked grin.

Angel dust took that moment to walk into the room. Both fallen angel and demon looked flustered at Angel.

He whistled. "Well.. dont mind me boys. I was just grabbing the lube I left in All's bathroom." Angel chuckled and walked into the bathroom. Once he came out he had a small tube in his hands. "Can I watch?" Angel asked curiously.

"We were not about to have sex!" Alastor punched him in the face. Angel staggered back. "Geez sorry. No need to be rude about it. Eikel " (dutch curseword. Translation Acorn. Equivalent of Asshole. Angel picked up some swear words from his visits to Amsterdam)

He rubbed his face and quickly left. "Dont speak of this to anyone!" Alastor yelled at Angel. "Yeah yeah. Stick a sock in it old man." Angel huffed softly. Slamming the door behind him. Alastor locked it.

"Welp. My mood is ruined. Just get in you scary motherfucker." Lucifer patted the covers next to him. He suddenly had a very naked, very dangerous and very dominant Alastor on top of him. "I give the orders. Got it pet?" He choked Lucifer. The fallen angel nodded quickly.

Alastor released him and laid down next of Lucifer. The devil laid wide awake long after the radio demon had fallen asleep.

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