Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Where am I?

An ice-cold floor. Sharp manacles digging into his wrists, holding his arms above his head. A searing pain in his chest that had yet to dissipate.

Where am I?

Tony took a deep breath, his eyes still squeezed shut, then began coughing roughly. Icy daggers seemed to be puncturing his lungs with every breath, and the deeper and quicker he breathed, the farther the daggers seemed to penetrate into his lungs.

"Sleeping Beauty finally awakes."

The teen stiffened, his electric blue eyes snapping open. He jerked his head back to see who had spoken, but excruciating pains rushed through his head, making it feel as though a hammer were beating in his skull from the inside. Tony bit back a moan, drawing his legs to his chest and pressing his head between his knees until the pain and nausea subsided.

Of course; now he remembered. He remembered the note, and pushing and Pepper out the door, and then they had come, and any memories since then had been blurred by agony.

Pepper. Another dull throb ran across his temple. Is she okay? Please let her be okay...

"Well, are you going to look at me, or what?"

Tony felt a pang of hatred for this speaker as, which incredible pain and difficulty, he raised his head to where he could see, brightly colored spots dancing in his vision as he got his first look at the speaker.

The man was tall and thin, though muscular, with dark black hair and stormy grey eyes. A thin, lopsided smile played at his mouth as he stared back at the inventor with malice. He wore a dark-grey muscle-shirt that displayed his biceps with dyed black jeans and sneakers that seemed to be colored in with dark blue ink. Tony estimated him to be in his early twenties.

"Well? Do I look exceptional as the bad guy? Does the dark outfit draw out my 'dark side'?"

Tony said the first thing he thought. "You're nuts."

Laughter. "Yes, I suppose I am."

A cable shot out of the wall behind Tony, wrapping around his throat and tightening, restricting his oxygen intake. Tony's eyes widened as he gasped for air, straining against his shackles. Unfortunately, trying to keep from suffocating, he didn't notice the man pick up a long, dainty-looking dagger off of a wooden table and begin to approach him.

One swift movement, and the dagger was embedded in the teen's side. The agony of his oxygen-starving brain and the sharpened metal digging into his side was too much for the genius. He felt the blade twist in his skin as lights danced in front of his eyes, and he began to feel very, very light-headed. The dagger was removed, slowly and sloppily, drawing out as much pain with it as possible. The cord around his throat slackened, and Tony slumped forward, gulping mouthfuls of air as he went limp.


Tony was shaking so badly, when he finally managed to raise his electric eyes up, it seemed as though the whole world was shaking. The red liquid coating the dagger in the man's hand seemed to stand out though, and Tony found he couldn't tear his eyes away from it.

"Would you like to cry out for your girlfriend one last time? Don't worry, when they don't find you in time, she'll move on quickly. Get over you. Find someone new. Someone normal." The blade hovered ever closer, and it took every ounce of Tony's dignity not to flinch. The man's words about Pepper rang in his ears, over and over, his mind seemingly unable to comprehend them. "Last chance to say something to your pretty little friend. After all, you won't need much use for your voice soon."

Tony glared as menacingly as he could at the man, who simply laughed. "Okay then. Let's begin."

The knife hovered teasingly over Tony's face, slipping below his eyes to his chin, leaving a gash which blood flowed profusely from. And then it reached his throat.


Despite every resolve that he would not scream, would not give the man the satisfaction of seeing him at his mercy, Tony couldn't help but cry out. The blade dug deeper into his throat, making sawing motions back-and-forth.

The last thing Tony remembered before he blacked out was the cold, sharp laugh that echoed around the room.

And deep in New York, a certain redhead shuddered, clutching at the thick red shirt hanging on her thin frame for comfort.


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