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Before you see any lewdness, I'd like to at least make you lovely readers aware of a few things regarding this delicious book. 

I won't be updating this book regularly, this is a freely updated story but it will be updated somewhat often because of my perverted tendencies and thoughts so don't fear waiting too long.

I'm open and encouraging to ideas. You have a light bulb turn on in your head? Type it in the comments and you may see an incorporation of your idea later on.

I'll be mindful of content however there will be disclaimers in the chapters in the beginning. If you do not like something you see in the disclaimer then PLEASE don't read the chapter since it may be offensive/uncomfortable to you. 
If you don't know what something is then search it please. I'm here to entertain, not to educate lol.

Anything I write about will be accepted by me personally. I may agree with it for different reasons and disagree for others but I can generally write about anything since I'm an open-minded and non-judgemental being.
If someone's being defensive about something I write about, I'm sorry but to be bluntly honest I will not care. What you do and don't enjoy personally is not my responsibility.

Now since we're over the basics, we can officially begin. Enjoy the first chapter you lewd people!~

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