What a shit day

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The fabulous picture of Aris is above


I couldn't tell you how happy I was for school to let out on the last day, I really just wanted to go home and sleep till I die.

"Aris you sneaking son of a bitch!" Sophia shouted at me  pushing everyone out of the way, I had to admit it was quite funny seeing a little mop if blonde curls bounce towards me.

"Well Sophia , it's the last day and home sounds like heaven right about now." Rubbing my eyes I head towards the exit , I stop when I feel Sophia no longer following me.

I turn around a glare at her.

"Were not leaving Will and Selcouth behind." She looks at me with that 'you better suck it up or you'll never hear from your best friend again' face.

"C'mon Sophia, all their gonna do is bite each other's faces off!" I said whining .

"Aris isn't Will like your brother ? Shouldn't you know when he doesn't see Selcouth at least once a day he freaks out?"

My heart broke a little as remembered the day Selcouth was absent and Will went crazy .

I grumbled "I remember ."

"Good , then were waiting ." she said as she pulled me to a bench


As soon as I was pulling out my phone a tall pale faced and black haired sculpted cheekbones face appeared , Selcouth.

"Hope you ladies weren't waiting too long for my grand arrival." he finished with a sly smirk.

"If Will weren't so in love with you I'd have you dead by now." I said tired of being in this crappy place .

He dropped his bag by Sophia and stepped back a bit .

"Well I don't see the Miss's around so take your shot at me, Aristotle." Anger swelled in me as he used my full name.

"Or are you too afraid, since you know I have more power over you?"

Sophia put a hand on my shoulder

"Cool it Selcouth , Do you really want Will mad again?

He glared at Sophia.

"I care much about William and respect him dearly, but I believe that my conversation last time with Aristotle was not settled, yet that is."

I pushed everything off my lap as I stepped up to Sel reeling my arm back far enough to create tremendous amounts of pain  and punched him straight is his face .

He smiled a toothy grin , distracted, he threw a punch right into my gut.

I doubled over, staring daggers into his eyes. Most of you would ask "why are you guys friends if you punch each other in the face all the time?" Well it's part of an exercise course really , since I was the fragile human in this supernatural group Sel' offered to teach me Sambo martial arts as a form of defense . Last time I took a cheap shot at him and he got a pretty bad scar , guess he wants a fair re-match.

Catching my breath I pulled at his wrist and flipped him over onto my back as I drove him to hit his face against the floor .

His elbow swings back getting me in the jaw falling and I roll off of him holding my aching jaw . While I'm down he tangles our legs together in a fierce grip . As I put my hand down to tap out , a voice rings out in the empty hallway.


It was no other than


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