We'll get better

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My poor baby Will about to cry ;(

At the sound of Will's voice we both pulled away from each other and scrambled to our feet as he walked over to us .

"You both really can't go a day without rough-housing ?"

"Will...baby, we always do this." Sel said trying to get closer to Will , but he flinched away.

"Thats the fucking point Sel', last time you promised me that's this wouldn't happen again , that you guys wouldn't be so aggressive with each other." Now Will
was starting to get teary-eyed.

"And Aris , a bloody nose ? Really?"

For the first time I actually looked at Sel' dead in the face and confirmed that blood was streaming from his nose. Goddammit I almost felt sorry but everyone knows Sel' deserves it. But maybe faking sorrow for Will could be better.

"Shit! I'm really sorry Will, I really didn't notice." I was utterly shocked that he could bleed at all .

Will shot both of us a teary-faced glare.

"Whatever, I'm going home , this sleepover thing it's at 8:00pm right?"

Sophia gave us a pissed off look.

"Yeah around then is fine ." she said picking up her things
With that Will stormed out if the building

Sophia turned to Selcouth .

"You ,go after him, talk it out ,scream it out, fuck it out ,whatever you to do when your fighting I don't wanna see your love-sick faces till eight ."

Sel' saluted and in a flash he was gone through the school doors.

She then turned to me .

"As for you . Were talking this out"

Immortal's Curse(Book1)Where stories live. Discover now