W a n t e d

17 2 0

Abbey made her way through the airport dressed up as her last and hopefully final victim that she has killed. She was going to America to start a new life as Abbey. Not the murder, The LifeTaker, or whatever they called her. She didn't want that life anymore. She wanted to be the normal 18-year-old girl that went to school, made friends, find... love. That's why she's going to America.

As she sped walked through the Airport a warning popped up on the screens:


This was the first time she chuckled at them being wrong for the first time in a long time. Abbey looked around and saw everyone panicking. She just wanted to get from this place. Everyone is so boring and dull... even killing people was boring for Abbey here. But, that didn't matter. what matters is that she had a new life and someone to talk to. She sped walked to the line for her plane. She gave the machine her ticket, they checked her bags, and she was on the plane. Abbey was free.

In America, there lies Valentine. She hated her name. One, everyone never even gave her cards or treats on Valentine's Day. Two, it made her cry every time her father let her name slip out his mouth. She hated her father... her abusive... disgusting ... father. She didn't even accept him as her father.

School was tough for Valentine, It was February, almost Valentine's Day. She doubted that anyone will give her anything, just like the past years. She sat in the classroom and waited for the teacher to start class.

She had no friends, of course. Valentine just looked around the room at the other kids that had friends, she felt lonely, but that was ok.

"Ok class!! today we'll be having a new student!" Miss. Jameson said as the new face walked into the class, she was beautiful. Well, that's what Valentine thought. She had short hair, she was a brunette. About 5'5" and a beautiful Olive skin tone. Now, Valentine never believed in "love at first sight" she thought was stupid, but this girl was Valentine's type. But, Valentine didn't love her she thought that she was cute.

"Hi, I'm Abbey Michels. I'm glad to be your newest classmate and peer for this year. Back where I came from not many people liked me. That's why I transferred to America. To meet new people and make friends!" Abbey smiled a smile that made Valentine's heart drop.

"Abbey, why don't you have Blake Charles show you around? He's a great student and maybe you two could be the best of friends!" Miss. Jameson said. Of course, no one noticed Valentine. The girl in the back that had no one to talk to or have.


School had ended and Valentine was slowly walking home. Afraid to walk home, her father was waiting for her in that hell of a house that she lived in.

As she entered the house her father didn't wait to quickly stand up and walk to Valentine. VAlentine flinched in fear waiting to be slapped, kicked, punched or thrown. But she wasn't feeling any of those feelings instead she felt her fathers hands on her hips, she knew what this was. She was shaking at what this was.

"You love your father, right Valentine?" Valentine shook in fear.

"Yes f-father.."

"You know that he won't hurt you.. right?"

"Yes.. I know.." She lied.

"Then Be a good girl go to your room... " Valentine nodded, wishing that she could free herself from the devil of a father she had.


Down the street appears Abbey, feeling happy about her first day of school. She had never met so many amazing people in one day. she felt special that everyone liked her.

"So, tell me, Abbey, where did you come from?" Blake asked as he walked her home.

"Oh! London. I never really adopted the accent though!"

"London? that's cool-" Blake stopped walking at the sound of a scream. "The Gates... "

"Who?" Abbey was confused.

"The Gates family is a single father and his daughter, Valentine, who is also in our class. She is abused at home. We can't do anything about it since Valentine begged us not to.. rumor has it, saying that Valentine likes the abuse. But, I know she doesn't"

"Well can I talk to her?"

"No. She hates talking to people. Well she was forced not to talk to people."

"Forced not to talk to people huh.."


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