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Abbey was confused. Why was Valentine running? Why is everyone not helping?

"Why am I not helping...?" She sighed and ran after Valentine. She ran out of the school and ran down the street, as she was running she saw an ambulance drive past her and stop in front of the school. Were they here for someone? She didn't know and it left her mind. Valentine was her main priority for now.

"Valentine!!" Abbey yelled out. "Valentine!!!" As she was calling out for her a car pulled up.

"Who are you looking for?" The person in the car called out.

"This girl named Valentine?" Abbey responded. The person sighed and mumbled something.

"Who are you?" Abbey questioned.

"I'm Valentine's father."



Valentine stopped running when she arrived at a train station. She was planning on taking a train away from here... forever. She went inside the station and went up to a ticket seller.

"A ticket to XXXX please..." Valentine asked the woman behind the desk.

"You seem a bit young to take a train" The woman answered.

"Can you not question me and let me buy this damn ticket ma'am!" Valentine yelled, but, before the woman can answer a voice she never wanted to hear called her.

"Val... You're just gonna leave your Dad like that?"



Abbey sat in Valentine's fathers' car, rummaging through his things.

"Gun.. knife.. anything!! that's all I need!!" Abbey cried out and looked in the dashboard, "yes!!" She found a pocket knife and flipped it open. She then flipped close when Valentine's father walked out with a screaming and crying, Valentine. Abbey's heart broke from the sight.

"Get in you ungrateful bitch!!" He yelled and threw Valentine in the car.


"Don't speak to her." Abbey looked at the devil of a father.

"Why? You fucking rapist!?" The father looked at Abbey in shock and looked at Valentine.

"You told this bitch... our secrets?"

"Yes." The father growled and raised a fist to punch Valentine.

"DON'T HURT HER!!" Abbey cried and grabbed the male's arm, "Hurt me... I forced her to tell me..."

"Abbey no..."

"Hush... Val... it's the only way.." The father smirked at Abbey's request.

"How about this, you let me use that body of yours." The father asked Abbey cringed in disgust.

"Fuck no."

"Then Valentine will be hurt more then." Valentine whimpered in response to that.

"Then... if it's to keep her safe... then yeah, sure..."


They arrived at Valentine's home and they then walked in.

"Val. walk your 'friend' to my room, and then you get in your room and listen to music."

"Please don't hurt her too-"

"I SAID GO!!" Valentine flinched and nodded and grabbed Abbey's hand, leading her to her fether's room.

"Here..." Valentine sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"It's my fault... don't apologize.." Abbey smiled sadly and looked at Valentine. " And also... I'm sorry for what I'm gonna do soon."




Valentine was in her room.

Abbey was at her doom.

She held the pocket knife behind her back, breathing heavily and nervously.

"You ready girly?" Valentine's father called out.

"Y-yeah.." A tear left down her cheek as she heard the man step up the stairs.


Valentine grabbed a knife from the kitchen. She was ready to kill this man. Valentine slowly climbed up the stairs as she heard Abbey's cries.

"I'm sorry... dammit... dammit!!" She quietly cried. Valentine finally made it to the top of the stairs and looked through the crack of the door.

"Die mother fucker..."

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