Chapter 1

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It's 7:30 Am, I'm honestly so tired I could've slept for another good 2 hours but the excitement in my moms voice made me wake up. I hurry downstairs and my mom has her hand to her mouth, you can tell she's filled with joy. "Bethany, you should read this." My mom said. I took the letter from my mom, I am in complete shock. Me and my mom started jumping up and down. "Mom I have to vlog this! Oh my gosh, I wonder how my fans are gonna take this!" I say in a cheerful manner.

I run up stairs and open up my camera. "Hey guys!! I don't know how to say this without crying of joy, but because of you wonderful people I've gotten a letter In the mail.. Okay so here it goes! Dancing with the Stars sent me a letter saying that they would love me to be one of the stars!!! Let me know what you guys think! I start crying, and I wipe the tears off my face. I never would've imagined any of this happening, you guys are seriously the best! And I wish nothing but happiness comes to you guys! Bye love you."

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