↳ two

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ayy 3 more chaps until i reach my goal

"SO WHAT BRINGS YOU BACK HERE? AREN'T you living the best life out there in LA?" i ask johnny, glancing at him as he stared straight ahead.

i had, surprising myself even, agreed to stay with johnny for a bit, and he'd brought me up to his roof, where we were both now seated.

"according to everyone, supposedly i am, but it gets stressful out there," he shrugs. "oh yeah. it must be horrible to have to just record songs, go to the studios, do interviews and all. it must really make you miss the life of having to revise hours and hours. yup, totally understandable," i sarcastically reply, raising my eyebrows.

he replicated my action, with a small smile. "try experiencing life in LA, then just maybe you'll understand."

"we'll see in a few months time," i shrug. "you're coming to LA? what for? you don't strike me as a wanna get famous kinda girl," johnny raised one eyebrow.

"what's that supposed to mean," i say indignantly. "it's not offensive i promise. jeez, do you take everything to heart?" he mutters the last bit under his breath. "i heard that, but i'm not coming to LA to get famous, as you put it. i'm going there for an education," i retort.

"you're coming to LA...to study?" he widens his eyes, seeming .  "yes," i nod.

"well that's a first."

we sit in a comfortable silence, before he decides to break it. "so where're you planning on studying?"

"uh UOC, as of now," i answer, pulling my jacket closer around me. "you got in?" he asks, the surprise in his tone evident.

"what? i don't strike you as a smart kid?" i let out a small laugh. "no-it's not that. i'm sure you're smart. it was a rhetorical question-" johnny begins to ramble but i cut him off.

"dude, i was kidding. are you always this hyperactive?" i ask him, as he turns a slight shade of red.

"maybe? i don't know. i don't think i am, but a lot of people say i tend to ramble. i mean, i don't really see-" i clap a hand over his mouth.

"well, mr orlando, i totally don't get why they say that."

he moves my hand away, and brushes his fingers through his hair. "only when i'm nervous, i guess," he shrugs.

"so you're nervous right now?

"oh..uh, no..yes? i don't know. we started off on the wrong foot. now what if you think of me as a stuck up snob?"

"does mr orlando actually care about what a fan thinks of him?" i question, glancing at him.

"i thought you weren't a fan.." he trailed. "sarcasm kiddo," i sigh.  "right."

we sat in silence again, before the awkwardness got too much for me.

"when do you plan to head back to LA?" he shrugs in response. "i'm not really sure. at this point, i just dropped everything without much thought, and left. my manager isn't happy about that, but there's not much she can do."

"you left without telling her?" i widened my eyes. he let out a low chuckle. "what? i don't strike as a rebellious kiddo?"

"no, you really don't," i say, while he glares at me.

"hm. well i did in fact leave without telling her. no one was supposed to know. at least until i got settled down, but evidently that didn't work," he sighs.

"i'm sorry," i mumble awkwardly, unsure of how to reply.

"nah, it's cool. i didn't expect much. so when exactly are you coming to LA?" i note that that means our previous discussion is over.

"3 months. when do you plan on going back?" i ask him. "don't know. we'll see how it goes from here."

i nod, and once again, we fall into silence.

lowkey wanna scrap this book already
buT it's fine cuz i gotta reach my goal
i wrote this instead of doing my hw
rebel tingz 😎

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