The Bone Man

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I was woken up being slapped in the face by a tiny hand. I groaned and rolled over, "Stacy go back to bed," I told my annoying little sister.

"Sissy please wake up, the Bone Man is back!"

I sat up in the bed and faced her. "What is it with you and this Bone Man?"

"He's back," she whispered pulling at my arm. "Don't you hear him?"

I listened for a moment and got freaked out by what I heard. It did sound like bones rattling. Then I laughed as common sense kicked in. "Stacy, it's just the wind chimes." There were wooden wind chimes on the front porch being blown by the wind.

Stacy had been talking non stop about the Bone Man ever since she started first grade a few weeks ago.

"Can I sleep with you?" There it was, she needed an excuse to sleep in the bed with me.

"Come on," I lifted the covers for her to climb in and she didn't waste another moment to do so.


The following night, Stacy returned to my room. "The Bone Man is coming Sissy!"

"Go to bed Stacy!"

"I can't," she whimpered, "I'll see him and he'll cut off my fingers for his necklace."

I pulled back the covers to let her in my bed. I was too tired to put her to bed and I had school in the morning.

"Who told you this story," I asked.

"My friend Gabby, he took her pinky," she whispered.

I was going to have a word with Gabby's mother for her child scaring Stacy and keeping me from my sleep the following afternoon.


"Hey, I haven't seen you all morning," said my friend Amelia.

"I was late for school this morning. I couldn't sleep last night thanks to the Bone Man."

Amelia gasped upon hearing this. "Have you seen him?"

"Not you too!" I shook my head. "Wait," I looked at her with wide eyes, "how do you know about him?"

"Everyone that lives in town knows about him," she said.

"I don't; I just thought Stacy made him up."

Amelia spoke up, "The story goes that a man broke out of the looney bin back in the 60's. He kidnapped young kids and would give them a choice; either cut off their pinky finger, give it to him and go free or die. They said that when they finally captured him, he had two long necklaces made of pinky fingers around his neck. The parents of the children are the ones who caught him. They cut off all his fingers, hung him in the living room and set him on fire. He vowed before he died that he would return for the pinky's of each of their generations to come."

"So this is the story Stacy heard. It's all urban legend Amelia."

"I don't know," she said. "Stacy heard the rattling bones and isn't your dad missing his pinky finger?"

I gasped, she was right!

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