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Vegito (POV)
The golden male approached me and wanted to ask if he wanted to sit down and eat with me, but shoot I wasn't going to miss my chance of being with this gorgeous man standing before me.

Vegito: "oh yeah, sure, I have a new seat available right next to me if you want to join" 'please say yes!'

Gogeta: "yeah Sure I'll come backs and sit with you, I just need to go get my food from my friend, I'll be right back"

Vegito: "okay take your time"

I was out of my mind, he wanted to sit with me! With me! This is a dream come true! Okay Vegito calm down, he's only a friend nothing else, what are you talking about! He's adorable!

Gogeta came back with his food and sat down with Vegito, right next to him, Gogeta was shy in what to do because he thinks Vegito is actually pretty cute in his taste.

Gogeta: "soo, what are you into?"

Vegito: "well, I am trying to look for someone, but I've been rejected a couple of times now so I'm used to it, but I'm just taking time off"

Gogeta: "same here, trying to look for the right person but a lot of people just cheat or move on"

Vegito: "yeah.." I looked into his beautiful green emerald eyes, the glistening its like I'm in heaven and can faint any moment now, he's so perfect, everything is perfect about him, his nice light skin tone, his scent of strawberry hair and the golden color of it too, his green eyes, and his lips, so much that I want to kiss him.

Gogeta: "yeah..Um well, what do you do for fun?"

Vegito: "hm?" I got out of thought "oh.., nothing much just, hangout at my place, and train then hangout with some friends, that's pretty much what I do in my mean time, what about you, you have any hobbies?"

Gogeta: "well I just train, hangout, well not that much, but help others and meditate, it's not that much but I have my alone times."

Vegito: "alone times eh." I put my arms on the back of my head to relax "how about we hangout sometime, it might be fun, I can give you my phone number if you need anything."

Gogeta: *blushed lightly* "y-yeah that'll sound nice" *gets phone out* "here you go" *hands the phone to Vegito*

Vegito: "okay cool" *puts phone number in and puts Vegito 😜❤️ then gives it back* "anytime" *winks at Gogeta*

Gogeta: *blushes more where Vegito can see it* "t-thank you, d-do you want to do anything?"

Vegito: "well not entirely, but I would like to have fun with you though" *smiles*

Gogeta: "okay, well where do you want to do first?"

Vegito: "how about this" I leaned in and took my lips into the golden males and closes my eyes savoring the sweet taste of his lips.

Gogeta: *was there in shock and blushes red like a tomato, closed eyes and caresses the other males cheeks on his face and kisses back*

Vegito: I was surprised that he actually kissed back, his touch on my face was amazing, it was like being in paradise, it was like I was melting into the kiss, I held onto his curved waist and held him close. After a while; we separated the kiss and looked into each others eyes, until a disturbance happened

Goku/kakarot: AHH!!!!! *squeals when he saw Vegito and Gogeta kissing* THATS SO CUTE!!

Gogeta: "w-what! No don't you dare!"

Vegito: "what? Who is he?"

Gogeta: "he's my friend that is not going to show vegeta that picture!"

Vegito: "oh okay, I got this" I let go of Gogeta's waist and goes very quick and takes the phone away from the other man, I give it to the golden male and sit back down. "There you go"

Gogeta: "thank you" *deletes the photo and looks at Goku/kakarot* "ha! You can't send them now!"

Goku/kakarot: "hey! That's not fair Gogeta!"

Vegito: "life's not fair"

Goku/kakarot: "you got me there, now can I have my phone back Gogeta?"

Gogeta: "fine, but no more pictures" *gives it back*

Goku/kakarot: "fine.. *puts the phone away in pocket*

Vegito: I look at the golden male again "so your name is Gogeta, that's a cute name for a beautiful man like you" I smirk

Gogeta: "y-yeah, and I assume your name is Vegito, like you put on my phone"

Vegito: "that's right" I give him another kiss but on the cheek, then I stand up and clean up and take Gogeta's plate and trash and throw it away, then goes back. "So you wanna head to my place or go back with your friend?" When I saw him stand up he was 2 inches smaller than me, so I had to look a little down to catch his height but it didn't bother me.

Gogeta: "I'll hangout with you, we can go to your place if you want?" *looks up to see his beautiful brown eyes*

Vegito: "sure, anything for you my darling" I smirked.

Gogeta: *blushes* "o-okay"

Goku/kakarot: "well then I'll see you later Gogeta"

Gogeta: "okay, bye kakarot" *waves goodbye and sees him leave*

Goku/kakarot: *waves back and walks off*

Vegito: "okay now to my place" I instant transmission out with Gogeta in my arms and kiss him one more time.

Gogeta: "V-Vegito"

Thank you for reading! 😁

Vegito: *kisses Gogeta* Mmh~

Gogeta: "V-Vegito, the readers are still here" *blushes*

Vegito: "it doesn't matter because we already know what the next chapter is going to be about~"

Gogeta: "V-Vegito" *blushes more*

Me: okay you love birds it's time to end the chapter

Gogeta: "well I would if Vegito stops giving me kisses"

Vegito: "but you're so adorable"

Gogeta: "Vegito we need to end it hurry"

Vegito: "fine"

Me: 1 2 3!

Vegito Gogeta and me: bye bye!

Vegito: *goes back to kissing Gogeta*

Gogeta: "Vegito!"

Vegito: "heheh"

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