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"You went from being the perfect student to this, Cassidy Andrea. And all you tell me is to deal with it? How am I supposed to do that? What did I do wrong as a mother?" 

"Oh God. Can you please stop making everything about you? All you say is 'why do you have to do this to me?' or 'am i such a bad mother?' not everything I do is to upset you or make you feel miserable. There is no need for you to play the victim, like always." As soon as the words fill the air, I feel her palm strike against my cheek. Ouch. 

"You insolent little brat! I am so tired of you talking back to me!" My mother yells. Perfect, just perfect. Someone please take her to Broadway so they can give her the protagonist role in some drama shit. 

"You did not have to do that, mom! I am seventeen years old, I am a junior and I have a 3.6 GPA. I am going to nail my SAT but that doesn't mean I can't have a social life!" 

"Partying and sleeping with whatever living thing that has a penis attached to its body are things way out of a normal social life's league. What the fuck were you thinking? You can't sleep with someone else's boyfriend. You can't even be having sex at this age, for the love of God Cassidy, what did I do wrong while raising you?" She puts a hand on her forehead. 

"Mom, you've got to stop making sex look like such a dirty sinful thing when you've got three kids and none of them are from the same man." There, I said it. I don't care if she hits me even harder for doing it. She is a hypocrite. It's not like she was teaching me something good while she was with her four other papis. 

"How dare you!" She pratically growls. But I head to my room before she can lay another hand on me. I am so sick of her, I know she is my mother and all but she hasn't been the greatest mother, nor the greatest example for me. Going from man to man and giving me half siblings that I don't even get along with. She just turned 40 and has just married her third husband and she just had another son. She is telling me that I shouldn't have sex at this age and she lost her virgnity when she was sixteen. Pretty hypocritical or not? How do I know this? My dad has told me a lot of things, he lives in New York and it's so fun to visit him. He met my mother when she was 19 and he was 22, they met in Cuba while he was on vacation with his college fraternity, my mom had been one of their translators and he had liked her since the begining. Even after so many years, he still expresses the same dreamy way about her. He says that he was stunned when he saw her perfect figure, golden skin, shiny black hair and dirty green eyes. Then he heard her speak spanish to some of the other people from the translating group and he automatically fell in love. He says he would just pay close attention to the spanish conversations she had just to hear her speak in that intrigging, hot language, even though he couldn't understand anything they were saying. 

He knew my mother wasn't some little saint when they all took the "gringos" to a club. The way she and her friends danced with men wasn't something a little innocent, shy girl would do. But he was so captivated by the hot, strong, beautiful woman. He made the first step and she wasn't easy at all. It took her a while to finally give in to my dad. She taught him how to dance, and even though he still seems to have two left feet he is not that bad anymore. One day, I asked him about mom's virginity and he told me that when the two of them had their first time, she wasn't a virgin and that once, drunk she told him that she had lost it when she was sixteen. And yes, I was disgusted when I heard the words "our first time" coming out of my dad's mouth, but I was too curious and mom had just got to known that I wasn't a virgin when she heard me talking to one of my friends. She was really mad and almost hit me with a belt but she obviously didn't tell my dad, she knows he would have committed suicide and it's not like the two of them are great friends. 

First of all, my parents had me out of wedlock. They never got married, they just lived together. I was born months before they separated. Dad is a financial manager in a publishing company in New York. He has this really cool apartment and I love to go to New York to visit him because he let's me do more stuff than mom. Mom has her own latin restaurant called "Rincon Latino" and it gets full on weekends so she is happy with it. We're currently living in Pennsylvania, we used to live in Louisiana and I liked it a lot there but my mom met husband number three who convinced her of moving to the other side of the country, there my mom opened her dream restaurant. John Edwards, or Mr. Money Bags, as I call him, is quite loaded. He is from Philadelphia and is quite handsome. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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