017 | COUPLE

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I promise to keep you safe.
( т ̫ т)♡

A few months later

The two males have happily moved in together. The couple have been at their happiest moments. The couple had now started to grow into a routine, Rome would wake first, he would get ready first, after half an hour later pick would wake and start to get ready, Rome had always put the paste on pick's tooth brush. (A/S think about the scene in Our skyy)

"Good morning sunshine" pick said, walking into the restroom, he started to brush his own teeth.

"Good morning pick." Rome kissed pick on his cheek and walked out, bringing pick's clothes and a towel.

"Thank you, love" pick said kissing Rome on the head.

"I'll go make breakfast." Rome said walking out.

Rome made a bit of breakfast for the two.

The two finished eating and headed to the car, pick dropped Rome off at his own school and then headed to the university.

While pick arrived at his university he spotted lily.

"Good morning lover boy." Lily said teasingly.

"Good morning, Lily"

"So are you now use to Rome? Since the two of you are living together" Pick chuckled

"I have been use to Rome since day one, I could never be uncomfortable around my little angel." Pick said smiling

"You're so whipped for him, it's cute. I am happy for the two of you, you're perfect for each other. I hope you guys end up getting married." Lily said while the two walked to class

"I hope so too" pick said, the bell rang and the two sat in their seats. The professor started her lesson.

After the very long hours, pick's class finally ended. He got his things, said goodbye to lily and walked to his car. He head home, while on his way back, he stopped at a small store and bought Rome his favorite sweet. While driving home, pick was smiling like an idiot.

"Welcome home, babe. The food is almost done." Rome yelled from the kitchen. Pick walked up to Rome and hugged him from behind.

"I got your favorite" pick handed Rome the bag.

"Thank you" Rome kissed pick, the kiss wasn't lustful, but sweet and caring.

"You're the best boyfriend and you deserve the very best things. I have to spoil my future husband." Pick said kissing Rome on the head, Rome blushed a bit. Rome continued to cook, after half an hour the food was done.

"Thank you for the wonderful meal, love" pick said with a smile. The two were currently washing dishes together.

Pick had a bit of soap suds on his hands and put some on Rome's nose

"Ow! Pick!" Rome whined, Rome put some soap suds on pick's cheek the two played around, that was how their days usually ended, on a happy note.

"I have a soap beard now" pick said, Rome laughed at how ridiculous pick looked, pick just stared at Rome while smiling.

"Your smile is just as beautiful as your existence" pick said quietly.

The two had finished washing dishes and headed upstairs to do their night routine.

The couple brushed their teeth and changed into night clothes, Rome had forgot to put his and pick's clothes to wash so he had to wear some shorts, and one of pick's shirts.

"Can I borrow one of your shirts?" Rome asked

"They might be a bit big but sure" pick said.

Rome changed into his shorts and put one of pick's shirts on. It wasn't a bit big on Rome, it was big on Rome. The shirt looked as if Rome had put on a dress, Rome giggles.

"Your shirts are so big." Rome said while walking out of the restroom. Pick was on his phone and without Rome noticing pick took a picture of Rome, cute.

"I told you, but you look cute." Rome smiled, Rome walked to his side of the bed, he covered himself with the duvet.

"Good night, love" pick said kissing Rome on the head

"Good night, pick" Rome said cuddling into pick's chest. This was the most relaxing and comfortable part of their day, time to spend their nights together.

"I love you" Rome said

"I love you too" pick answered back.

The couple peacefully slept the night away.

-The promise

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