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A/N: There is basically a trigger warning for the whole, yeah, just thought i'd warn you.

If there is anything that Camila hated more than herself it would need to be the loud voices in her head that seem to be in control of every move she did. No matter what part of the day it is they always steer her in directions that she would much rather avoid. She knows she can't though so she just lets them take control.

There is also the fact that she can't seem to get the taste of every pill out of her mouth, no matter how hard she tries. No matter what she eats or drinks she can always feel the burning after tastes of the 'miracle medication' that doctors claim are meant to make her healthy again.

Apparently, Camila has been able to grow up in a sort of way that had just left her venerable and alone. She did have a couple of friends but the main one that seems to stick by her side no matter what is Normani. She's the only girl that has really broken the outside lays of the socially awkward Camila Cabello and she's always thankful for it.

"Yet, you say it like a it's a bad thing." Normani groans while trying to tug Camila away from the book, which had sparked the girl's interest.

Camila's eyes move themselves so they're looking straight into Normani's for a moment "No, I'm not going to the fight. You know how I feel about all that."

Groaning again, Normani pinches the edge of her nose "Please, Mila, I promise you'll love her." She begs causing Camila to sign a little.

"If you stop begging like a five year old, fine." Camila caves and laughs slightly as Normani bounces around her room a little.

The past five consecutive minutes somehow occurred with Normani barging into Camila's own room with the idea that she should now come to a MMA fight with her. Normani has tried to get the shorter girl to come many times before but Camila was somehow able to refuse every time.

The only real reason why Normani wants to go is because her friend, Dinah, would be fighting there. Although she's only 17 she is still an amazing fighter and Normani has brought it up on more then one occasion.

Camila puts her book onto the bedside table next to her "How long until we leave?" She asks curiously and Normani smile just grows a little more.

"You have twenty minutes to spend doing whatever you want so feel free to go back to your amazing book." Normani teasingly answers but Camila only shakes her head a little.

Though Camila thought these fights would be an interesting thing to see take place anywhere else other then the television Normani forced her to watch it on, she's not the biggest fan of fights so she tends to stray from anything that may involve such an activity.

The amount of mental battles the Camila fights are enough anyway. The thought of actually being in a physical one scares her, knowing that she wouldn't hold up against them physically. Camila has basically summed up that it's the reason why she always sticks behind Normani because that girl is ready to pick a fight at whoever makes the slightest remark to Camila's face.

Reading Camila's face a little and knowing the girl is in deep thought, Normani makes her way over to her and gently places a hand on her shoulder. "Don't think about it. Just worry about whatever it is later and live in the now."

Camila sighs a little before picking her book back up and opening it back to the page she was on before "I always live in the now but I just tend to live it in past memories and thoughts."

"What about the doctors though? What are they saying?" Normani asks while rubbing her thumb across Camila's shoulder.

Knowing she isn't going to get anywhere further in the book, Camila shuts it and places her hand atop Normani's "The doctors are all saying that I just need to give it time and they will start working magically."

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