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Oh boy! Oh geez! Oh hey! It's Aftershock! SPINAAAAAHHHH!!!

• Will Thomas is the kind of person who says "I'll be fine!" Despite the fact he's probably hiding behind his dad or is backing away from the problem as he says it.

• If the team is late to a fight, then they will use anything as an excuse: "Carbide." "Dave was bothering me." "My shoelaces were untied."

• Ian Thomas (Will's dad) and Adrian Oates sometimes have small arguments over whose son is the better driver, and it embarrasses the hell out of Michael Oates and Will.

• Whenever the announcer says "Spinahh!", Will has to do it as well...In the most annoying voice he can use.

• The team is probably afraid of Concussion.

• The only time they go "all out" on entering the arena is when they're against Eruption, who is kind of their rival.

• Do NOT let Will near stickers! 9 times out of 10 he'll go around the pits sticking them to every possible surface he can reach.

• Ian probably prefers Manta over Aftershock, mainly because Aftershock is prone to damaging the arena.

• They never say about it, but if they could, they'd both add an mp3 player to Manta, play Baby Shark on said mp3 player, and drive around the pits driving everyone up the wall.

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