Chapter 1

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It was a late novemeber day, around 6'o'clock, and the sky had already been consumed by darkness. The chill in the air leaving goose bumps on all those who dared to enter it, shaking them violently, though not in fear. Yes, it was that kind of day. After days of flooding you can expect it, especially in the depressingly grey country of England. I would know.

The small ding from the bus brought me back into the real world, away from my fantasy world. A world where i could wear what i wanted without being judged, a world where i could afford to buy the things i wanted, a world where i could walk home on my own without the crippling fear of being kidnapped, a world where i would be loved unconditionally for who i am. The monotone voice of the automated system informed me this was my stop, and i stepped off of the bus, back into the terrible cold i had been staring in fear of mere moments ago.

The journey from the bus stop was simple; cross a road then walk down a particularly long and winding path, through the trees and across another road. And yet every single time i walked that way my heart raced at a thousand beats per minute simply imagining what terrible things i could succumb to. Most of the time these included the ominous looking trees, after all in the night's blanket they were a perfect cover for chaos.

My first mission; to cross the road. It wasn't a particularly busy road, neither was it a very interesting road, and so the small wait at the traffic lights was little of a challenege. Next the long twisting concrete path, my legs were getting awfully tired but nothing of major issues, after all the thought of getting home and sitting down doing absolutely nothing for a few hours egged me on to walk faster.

At the first part of the path i was fine, the trees were a good distance away from me and if someone was to run out at me i would probably have the advantage. Well, i told myself that but i couldn't run for anything. My record of sports days proved this. Then was the big field, now this was the start to my fear, after all the field was huge and completely black in the night, easily a cover for some kind of cult or murderer or maybe even a drunk man ready to lumber over to me and beat me up.

And another reason, the local gang loved to hang out at the park at night. The park next to the field. I had been chased by them before, but never alone. The pure fear would probably send me into distraught. However, i kept my chill and carried on walking, the bright shining street lights every few meters casting a shadow next to me. The next section i had to conquer was the trees section, not so much a forest or wood but more a cluster of trees for a short walk to brighten up the park. But despite this the trunks were thick and could easily hide a person, your less able to run away if you can't see them.

But this time i didn't make it that far. I stopped in my tracks halfway across the path next to the field, my heart skipping a beat as my hairs stood up on end. I had always imagined this but never actually expected to have to confront it. Without moving or looking away i grabbed my phone from my pocket and quickly rang my step dad, knowing if anything was to happen he would run as fast as he could the short distance and deal with it, or escort me home if i was too scared. My mum wouldn't, she would be too scared herself.

"Hello?" he asked.
"Hello, please help I'm near the park, where the field is, about six streetlights away from me is a man dressed up as a clown with something behind his back staring directly at me," i said quickly, but slow enough for him to understand, trying not to be too loud.
"Okay, stay still and on the phone and I'll come and get you," he said, i could hear him grabbing his shoes and the rustling of his coat.

Indeed, about six streetlights away from me was a man, his face painted white, a red nose painted on and a big fake smile. But i could tell he wasn't smiling. No. He was smirking, as if pleased with himself. He didn't wear a wig but had big bushy, rather curly hair that had been dyed red in some way. He wore a pennywise costume, with polished black shoes that lace up, alike to the ones you would find girls wearing at school. He stood in a menacing stance, almost staring into my soul, almost saying, "look what I've got here, your in real trouble now, aren't ya?".

Suddenly he made a movement, slowly starting to walk towards me in a slow, eerie fashion, one step after another. My heart stopped, not knowing what to do. "Help, he's walking towards me, hurry up," i said quietly, tears about ready to pour out.
"Right, slowly start to walk towards the road, I'm coming now," he replied, a tone of panic and alarm in his voice. "Okay..." i replied before slowly taking a step backwards, not turning around. Then another step, then another.

But every step i took he sped up, and soon he was walking towards me at a rather fast pace, but not running yet. I questioned whether it would be worth trying to run for it, could i out run him? What about all the mud and leaves from the flood, what if i fall? Where will i go if i do out run him? But the drive of adrenaline and fear made me question my own inabilities. "Okay, brace yourself, you've got to run like your life depends on it," i said in my head, my heart racing.

I slowly turned around and began to run back where i had came from. But as soon as i had started to run i heard the loud demonic laughter of the clown and the hard bang of his shoes against the concrete getting louder and louder, and closer and closer. I ran with all the might i had left in me, hoping and wishing i could run faster and faster and escape this evil creature of satan.

And then it happened. It all happened so quickly. My foot landed on a wet leaf and my body fell forwards, slamming into the cold wet concrete. I tried to hurry back onto my feet and escape but it was too late, he had already catched up. "What do we have here?!" The clown laughed demonically, before pulling a sharp kitchen knife from behind his back.

"Please... please don't hurt me... have mercy...," i cried, tears flowing down my cheeks as i pleaded desperately.
"But I'm only having some FUN," the clown laughed, before lunging forward and stabbing me in the stomach. I screamed out in pain, my piercing scream being heard by all in the area. Then he stabbed me again, making the stab wound bigger. I screamed again, chocking on my tears, knowing i would die without saying goodbye to my family, without having the chance to tell them how much they meant to me, without following my dream career, without having my own family, without growing old, without telling my friends how amazing they've been.

I lay in agony and distress, exhausted and accepting my death, when my stepdad came running up behind the clown and hit him as hard as he could around the head with a frying pan, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious. "Omg! Sophie!" he cried after seeing the state i was in. I lifted my hand from where it had been, showing my top and hand covered in blood, constantly flowing out of the stab wounds. He quickly took out his phone and rang the police, an ambulance and my mum. "Its okay sophie, we'll get this bastard locked up and we'll get you to hospital and you'll live," he said desperately.

I lay on the ground, chocking on my own blood that had made its way up to my mouth, the pain taking over my body and becoming faint from blood loss. "If.... i don't... tell mum...and the other
..s i love.... them," i said inbetween tears, barely struggling to talk. "And... my friends... can come... to my... to my funeral... and... thank you for... everythi-," i said before passing out of blood loss.

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