Jim X Reader

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I came to miradero to see my sister Kate. I wanted to surprise her so u went to her class. I walked in and saw that she was sorting through papers so she didn't see me walk in.

I smirked and walked over. I covered her eyes.

"guess who" I said laughing at how surprised she was at first. After she heard my voice she was fine and laughed along with me.

After she finished she showed me around miradero and I met a lot of people that she knows. There all sweet.

A few weeks later I waited outside the school for my sister. Mr granger  brought in a bunch of new horses and one of the horses looked over at me.

He came over and started nudging me. I tried to ignore him and he just kept nudging me. My sister and someone else came along watching me and I was giggling.

Then Mr granger came up to me.

"looks like he's chosen an owner." he said chuckling.

I smiled and grabbed the saddle Mr granger held out to me.

He helped me get the horse ready and he turned to me.

"you need to give this horse a name." he said as we took the horse to the stable.

"I think I will call him H/N. (horse name). I said hugging H/N.

My sister turned to me and introduced me to the guy that was there.

" Y/N, this is Jim Prescott." she said. I looked at him and smiled.

" hi" I said with a blush creeping in my face. He smiled and started a conversation.

After a few weeks me and Jim had gotten extremely close. I was starting to fall for him. We havnt known each other long but we got on really well and we always have a laugh.

I was cleaning H/N and jim came up to me.

"hey, wanna go for a ride with me?" he said smiling his gorgeous smile.

"sure" I said smiling back.

We rode all around miradero. As the sun started to set we went to a cliff that over looked all of miradero.

The sky was dusted with pinks, purples and oranges. It was absolutely beautiful.

I looked over at Jim and I saw him looking at me. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks.

He sat closer to me and put his hand on top of mine. I leaned my head on his shoulder and his arm went around my back.

When the sun had fully set and it was dark we rode back to the town. We dropped off the horses and he walked me back to kates house as that was where I was staying.

"bye Y/N, I had a lot of fun tonight." he said grabbing my hand while grabbing my hand while smiling at me. I smiled at him and looked into his eyes.

"I had fun aswell Jim. Thanks for showing me the cliff." I said to him smiling.

He started leaning in ans I leaned in too. A couple of seconds passed. And before I knew it his lips met mine in a soft and sweet kiss.

We pulled away a few minutes later and me and him was smiling like crazy.

We bith had rosy pink cheeks. And he scratched the back of his neck.

"I hope we can do this again." he said in a soft cute voice.

I went inside with a huge grin.

"why are you so happy?" I heard Kate ask with a smirk on her face.

I chuckled and immediately regretted being so easy to read.

I just sighed and went up to my room.

'I know I'm going to enjoy my life here' I thought to myself.

*time skip to a few months*

It's been a few months and to be honest, I have no clue where u stand with him. But I really like him.

I was walking through miradero when Jim started walking towards me with flowers in his hand.

He stopped directly in front of me and held out the flowers towards me.

"hey, Y/N. Look there is something I have been meaning to tell you. And I'm not sure how to tell you because I'm not sure how your going up react" he said really fast.

I giggled and grabbed his hand.

"look, Jim just tell me." I said smiling.

He smiled and looked at me.

"look, I really really really like you. And I know it's been a while since you   and me went on the date but I wasn't sure if you liked me me or not." he said looking down with a deep blush on his face.

I pulled him by his Coller and kissed him. He kissed back and I put my arms around his neck and his went around my waist.

We pulled away and we smiled like crazy. And we lived happily ever after.

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