Turo X Jealous Reader

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It was painful. I can't even tell you how painful it is. Ever since I came to Miradaro I have had a crush on Turo and I have been with him through everything and helped him through it all. But yet he still goes off with HER.

The girl in question is Maricela. She has always been stuck up when it comes to anything with horses or getting muddy and what not, she's the last person I thought Turo would go for. And yet here I am watching him be with her and give her all the love I wish I could get from him.

I waited to tell him until the time was right but before I could tell him, Maricela got to him. I don't understand what he sees in her. I was really close to him and I thought I saw signs that he liked me but, I guess I miss read them.

I was sat on the fence while Mr. Granger was leaning on the fence next to me. I was watching some of the new horses being broken by some of the other wranglers. I may be young but I was very close to Mr. Granger as I was best friends with Pru.

We were laughing about how the horses kept throwing the guys off. The PAL'S , Maricela, Turo and Julian were watching and Cora and Jim was there as well. They were watching me and I was laughing so hard I fell off the fence.

The wranglers started laughing at me and I laughed along with them. Jim came up and offered his hand while laughing. I took it and got up. I went up to one of the horses. As I went up my horse H/N came in between us.

"Haha. It's fine boy/girl. I'm going to be fine." I went and stroked the horse with H/N still watching to make sure I'm fine. I smiled at his protection. I watch as Maricela flirts more with Turo and he flirts back. The PAL'S give me a sympathetic look I gave them a smile to show I'm alright.

"What's going on?" I hear Julian ask Lucky. I don't hear what Lucky says after but after I help Mr. Granger Julian walks up to me.

"Hey, Lucky said if I want to know what happened to ask you. But you don't have to tell me." He says and I smile.

"Well. I've always liked Turo but she likes Maricela and he hasn't seemed to notice I like him." Julian listens as I tell him and smiles sadly at me. And he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Look, If he can't see how beautiful you are then he is not worth it. He is missing out on an amazing girl." He tells me. As he does I smile up at him.

Slowly the whole situation got worse. Turo started distancing himself from me more and more. It stopped hurting a bit as time went on. Although I couldn't find it in myself to hate him. I've liked him for way too long and hating him just doesn't seem right no matter how much all this hurts.

I was riding H/N. when I heard my name. I turned around and saw Lucky and Julian.

"Hey Lucky, hey Julian." I smiled as they came closer, they both smiled and stopped in front of me.

"Hey Y/N. I need to help my dad with something. Do you think you could help Julian with his horse riding" Lucky asked I smiled.

"Yeah of course" they both smiled and Julian got on H/N behind me. We went to the stables.

"I'm going to go see Mr. Granger" he nodded and I went to get him a horse.

As time went by me and Julian got closer and closer and I slowly got over Turo. I was smiling more around him and even Julian was in Miradaro a lot more. After I got over Turo I started falling in love with Julian. He was there ever since he found out and he helped me through it all.




As I was in Miradaro a lot more I started falling in love with Y/N. She was funny, gorgeous, strong and an amazing friend. She knew what to say to make me feel better. I just wasn't sure if I should say anything yet as I'm unsure if she's over Turo yet. I was sat on the doorstep when I heard the door open and close and someone sit next to me, I looked over and saw Lucky.

"Hey Julian. You have been rather distracted lately and I know why" she said as she looked ahead. I laughed slightly and looked at her.

"I don't know if Y/N is over Turo or not but I just really like her and I can make her so much happier then he can he hasn't noticed how much of a sweet and amazing girl she is."

"I have not seen her as happy as she is with you since the whole Turo thing. Just tell her I'm sure she loves you back." She said smiling. I nodded and smiled.

I went to see Y/N and I called out to her she turned around and smiled.

"Hey Julian"

"Hey, so I think we should talk I need to tell you something." I say nervous

" sure, go ahead" she says still smiling.

"Look, I don't know if your over Turo yet but I really think I should tell you. I really like you. And I know it might be a bit soon but I cant help but love you and—

I was cut off by Y/N kissing me. I felt sparks and I kissed back we stayed like that for a few minutes and then we pulled away.




I kissed Julian and I felt sparks. We kissed for a few minutes and we pulled away. We smiled at each other and I couldn't help but feel butterfly's in my stomach.

"Wow" We said at the same time. We laughed and he leaned down and kissed me again I have never felt this happy in ages. And I am glad I got over Turo because now I can spend my life with Julian and finally be happy.

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