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While Catra was told to stay with Horde Prime, Glimmer and Entrapta were free to roam about the spaceship with the eyes of two Horde clones.

"Do you think Catra will tell them about She-Ra?" Glimmer saw a tear fall down Entrapta's cheek. Glimmer used her cape to wipe it off. "What is it?" The queen asked.

"He...Hordak wouldn't even look at me in the eye. He didn't recognize me." Entrapta stared down at the floor. A clone handed the princess a cloth to dry her tears. Entrapta pushes their hand away.

"Entrapta, be honest. Do you care about Hordak?"

"He isn't like this. Something happened to him, he isn't himself."

"Horde Prime. He did something to Hordak. He put these tentacle things in his neck and before he took them out, his eyes turned green."

"That's what was different about him," Entrapta used her hair to scratch her scalp. "There has to be something that can get him back to the old self. He can't be forced to be some controlled clone forever. 

"Entrapta, do you think there's a way to bring him back?"

"Perhaps," Entrapta's face lit up and her eyes sparkled. "Do you think you could do something about these guys?" Glimmer stared at the guards who were staring at them as they spoke.

Glimmer smiled innocently and flashed sparkles inside their eyes. The guards did very little to defend themselves and fell to the ground.

"You can say I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"You're not wearing any sleeves," Entrapta tilted her head and examined Glimmer's arm. "Remind me to build you some glasses when we get home." Glimmer shook her head and smiled at the science princess.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Entrapta and Glimmer had searched the entire ship for Hordak. After an hour of avoiding clone soldiers and searching, they finally found Hordak with Horde Prime. Horde Prime had Hordak chained up and his eyes flashed from red to green to red again as his emperor brother.

"There's no use resisting, brother. Your place is here. I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. To be the ruler you were meant to be."

"You tried to have me die! I will never leave again. My place is here. You are a monster! You say that you're a brother but you have never been wrong brother." Entrapta and Glimmer saw as Hordak's eyes flashed from color to color. Red was Hordak and the green was the clone part of him. Entrapta nearly gasped at the sight but Glimmer kept her quiet.

"Did you truly believe you could be a greater sovereign than I? You always had your head in some fabrication. The writing on your crystal had simply been an error. You are meant for being just a soldier. You weren't meant for princesses and provinces of royalty who can hardly control their powers." Horde Prime pulled his brother's face closer to his. "What did you believe you'd find there? Self triumph? A new family? Romance?"

Hordak looked up at the one he called a  brother. The evil master cackled as he shoved Hordak to the wall, causing his eyesight to become a haze. Entrapta wanted to stop him. Glimmer held her down. Horde Prime continued his words of dissatisfaction and hurtful sentences towards his brother. 

He punched, slapped, and he shocked him till he couldn't fight. Hordak was on the ground. He couldn't fight anymore. His eyes were all on the floor as his brother shouted at him with his words. He saw his eyes towards the door; there she was.

Entrapta. She was there. She was watching him become weak. Seeing him fall. Entrapta's eyes filled with tears once more for him. Hordak couldn't fight in front of her; what would she think of him? Entrapta bobbed her head to let him know it was fair that he did what he had to do.

Hordak's eyes flickered green again. He fought the force upon him. From then on, his brother saw just red eyes. Hordak pulled himself up. With a single jerk of the chains, they snapped open. Horde Prime watched as his brother stood up and ran a hand through his abdomen.

Horde Prime froze.

Glimmer jumped at the moment that Hordak could kill his brother. Entrapta said nothing. Hordak smiled at himself finally standing up to his brother. If he should even call him that.

Hordak looked toward Entrapta. The princess stepped into the room. She smiled up at him. He never realized how short she was. He felt a hand stab through his body. Horde Prime.

"No!" Entrapta shouted.

Horde Prime saw the queen and the princess by the door. Entrapta fell to the ground, sobbing. Glimmer lifted her up and pulled her to run as Horde Prime ran towards them. As soon as he was about to strike the girls, a rope wrapped around his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe. Catra.

Prime fell to the ground, senseless. Entrapta ran to Hordak.

"What'd you do to him?" Glimmer asked Catra.

"I only suffocate him to buy us some time. Prime had his clones set a course to land in Etheria in less than a few hours. If we jump, we'll land in the Whispering Woods. Only if we leave now." Catra said, removing the whip off Horde Prime's neck.

"Get out of here while you three still can." Hordak said with all the strength he had while Entrapta sat over his body.

"We're not leaving you behind! You're hurt; h-he'll have you killed." Entrapta stuttered her words.

"I suppose–AH!" Hordak held his body. I suppose that's a risk I'm willing to take. If you leave now, he won't hurt you. Go."

"But, you're my friend, I can't just leave you here."

"You will have plenty of friends in the Rebellion."

"None of them will be as nice as you were when we were lab partners." Entrapta wrapped an arm around Hordak's neck and her other hand in his blue hair as she wept.

"Just go," Hordak winced.

"Thank you for being a friend and for understanding how much Etheria needs us." Entrapta held Hordak's cheek. She stood up and rubbed her eyes and nose. Hordak watched as she and the other two left out of the room. Once again, they had parted. Unbeknownst of when their next encounter will be.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

A/N: i think you know where this is going.

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