2: explore you

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these are temporary feelings for temporary people.


Chaeyoung is definitely an odd one. Compared to the girls I've dated at least, she doesn't need much of embellishment. Very straight to the point. She can be very persuasive when she's determined and other times she'd let me see her fun side, she eats a lot, she whines a lot, a lot and those little details sometimes make me forget that this is all a game of make-believe. I just can't get it past me that I have never seen her around campus before, Kai and Sehun had.

I was finishing up my music sheets when Sehun tapped my shoulder and pointed at the door of our classroom. She had her hair pulled back today, and I'd be lying if I said that she didn't look good even with our boring uniforms on. Maybe because I know what's underneath. Aish. Get a grip.

"Wait up babe. I'm almost done," I called out, the people left in the room with me all turned to look at her. Hush whispers soon followed. I was used to it, people talk a lot about who's dating who, and given my past record, I'm always a target.

She had her lips shut tight, but was bright red when she felt eyes on her. She was a quiet one, I've always liked that about her. Kai called her over so she could sit down while waiting for me.

"Hey Chaeyoung, I heard you got selected for that showcase for Mr. Davino's class," Sehun said as Chaeyoung sat on the desk in front of mine.

"Oh right, Congratulations Chaeyoung!" Kai smiled.

Her eyes sparkled and kept a wide smile as she nodded, "Thanks! How did you guys know?"

"This guy over here won't stop talking about it" Kai patted my shoulder, "Bro I can't believe Chae made it to Davino's list, have you heard her play? She's amazing, I'm gonna shit my pants blah blah blah" he mimicked, exaggerating the last part.

She had a smile on but her eyes were a little confused. Did I say too much? Should I have not said anything at all? Is she angry? I closed my music book tucked it in my bag, grabbing her hand as I pull her out with me.

"Hey, I wanna hear more" Chaeyoung teased.

"Shut up"

Suddenly she pinched my cheeks and intertwined our fingers, "I like it, makes me feel like you're actually proud."

That's the problem, Chaeyoung has this constant need of reminding me that this is fake. I mean it is, but not all of it has to be. I was genuinely happy for her. I grabbed the water bottle from her backpack and drank from it. While Chaeyoung was in the middle of telling the story of her Sunday night dinner with her grandparents, I saw Yoon Hae come out of a room from the end of the hall.

She smiled when she saw me and ran up to where we were. My grip on Chaeyoung's hand got tighter. She stopped telling her story and said "What?" before looking into the direction I was looking at.

"Hi, um- Yeol?" She shyly brushed her hair behind her ear, "Can I borrow you for a moment?"

I looked at Chaeyoung who was dumbfounded, I raised an eyebrow to ask for her approval.

"Oh yeah sure. He's all yours, Chaeyoung said and left me to go get something to drink from the vendo machine.

Turns out it was just another confession, apparently, she's been crushing on me ever since we were in our first year of high school. I accepted her letter. I was never really good at turning people down, I couldn't bear the guilt rushing over me as soon as their happy faces turn sad or worse when they cry.

It was a little easy tho since I indicated that I was now in a relationship with Chaeyoung, she politely accepted that fact but insisted that I read what she wrote. After that scenario, Chaeyoung and I went to the rooftop to eat lunch. I immediately dived into the food she got for me from the store this morning as she rested her head on my lap, reading the letter Yoon Hae gave me.

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