Chapter 8

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Hey everybody! Haven't updated in a while but im gonna update as much as possible today. Read all these wonderful comments and lots of people are following me so i am very happy. I am working on longer chapters so enjoy:


Still Blakleys POV

I spoke to my parents in our family mindlink.

Me- Mom, Dad, I found my mates and they are coming with me to meet you right now.

Mom- Okay sweetie... WAIT A MINUTE! Did you just say MATES!!!

Me- Yes mom, I did and I will explain everything to you when we get there so just make sure that everyone is present. Please.

Mom- Okay sweetie

And then i cut off the mindlink.

"They are totally fine with meeting you now," I told my mates. When I said that Xander and Xavier started to look extremely nervous.

"Hey, don't worry, my family will love you guys," I said to try and make them a little less nervous. As I was saying that, I brought them both into a big hug and felt safe and protected as they hugged me back.

"You do realize that you will have to meet our parents as well, love?," said Xav and ruined my calm moment. I immedietely started to panic, as Xander said that we were going to have to do it tomorrow night at the ball since that was when their parents were coming.

"Do either of you know how long it will be after we kiss that I will go into heat?" Xander chuckled and replied," It is usually the next day...

"But considering the circumstances, it could be sooner or later than that," finished Xavier. "So if you both kissed me before the ball, I would possible go into heat the next day?" "Yes," replied my twins at the same time.

"Okay, so you can kiss tomorrow, plus, I would like to get to know you two better before we kiss." They pulled me into a hug and said that it was okay and that they would do whatever to make me happy. I of course mentally awed at that.

I changed the subject and said that we should probably get going, because my family was waiting on us and I don't want them to wait for too long. When I told them that they would be fine, they started looking guilty, so I asked them what was wrong.

Xander replied and said," You should not be comforting us, we should be comforting you. We wish that you hadn't had to go through what you did, I wish that we could have been there for you and that you had never had to go through such terrible times."

I cut him off before he could go any farther and said that we would discuss this later, and right now we were at my family's quarters.


( Did you think this was over, cause its not, I just wanted to show the princes' povs through out these experiences, so here they are:)

Xavier's POV

"Come on brother," I said to Xander. "We don't want to be late today."

"Of course," came his reply. My twin brother Xander and I were on our way to the American King and Queen's castle, where there would be a ball held in honor of our birthday. You see, we are the future Kings of the England Werewolf kingdom.

We are hoping to find our mate at this ball, for all the unmated maidens have been invited to this important event, for we are coming of age to take over our kingdom and we have waited a long time to find our mate and have searches many, many places over the years. My brother and I are 19, soon to be 20, and have been looking for our mate since we were 16, with no luck. We jumped in the car and headed to the castle from the airport.

When we arrived, we got out of the car, grabbed our bags, and headed inside. Automatically, I caught a smell that was so divine that I blanked for a moment.

-Brother, do you smell that-me

-Peppermint and chocolate?- Xander

-Yeah I wonder where it is coming from-me

"I have a feeling we will find our mate here," said my brother. Instantly I agreed with a curt nod and followed the scent to where our room would be. We had already been informed of our rooms location ahead of time as we were not sure if we would be arriving very late or very early.

We turned a corner, and there she was.

"MATE" yelled my wolf to me. My brother and I also said it out loud but with authority and we didn't yell, so as to not frighten our mate.


:) Xander's POV from where we left off

Xavier and I ran to our little mate and pushed her against the wall as we breathed in her delectable scent of peppermint and chocolate.

-me- we finally found our precious little mate-

Xavier- yes but why is she cowering from us-

me- I don't know but we will find out-

A quiet and soft voice said," Your Highnesses, what do you wish for me to do first, and where would you like for me to go while you get settled in."

Even though her voice was the most beautiful sound in the world, I was confused as to why such words would come out of her mouth, and I soon realized, as did my brother, that this was the girl that was assigned to be our live in maid for the duration of our stay at the castle.

Xavier said," We will not ask anything of you, now or ever, as you are our mate, and will never have the duties or title of a servant again.

"Come with us," we said at the same time. I was so happy that we had finally found our mate, but before we could get into our room, she ran away from us. My twin and I ran after her, forgetting about our bags, and not thinking about anything else but returning our mate back to our side were she belongs. We followed her to a lake in the middle of the forest and heard a gasp after one of us said something. We found out where she was hiding and pulled her out and held her close so that she would not run away again. When she did try to get away, we brought her to our room in the castle and introduced ourselves. Our little mate's name, we discovered, was Blakely. I love her name, but I got angry when she said sirs as she introduced herself to us.

Xavier and I each put a hand under her chin and gently lifted her head so that she would look at us as we told her that we were not angry with her.

"You are our mate, so you will not call us any formal names again," Xavier said.

"Yes you are our equal," I was quick to agree,"Now, please tell us about yourself."

-Skip to the Gabe scene-

..."Yes Your Highnesses, did this little freak do something wrong? I will make sure that she get punished properly for her misbehaviors, said Gabe, a little too happily for my taste. With a smug smile, he grabbed her, which made me all kinds of angry, even more so when I saw her terror stricken face. My anger went over the top so I warned Xavier to make sure that our mate was safe and as he put her behind him, I shifted into one very angry wolf.

When I shifted, Xavier said something, but I didn't listen, as I was watching Gabe.

-Brother, I think you should take B back to the room while I deal with this.-

Lets just say, I will need a good shower before I plan to let Blakely see me.


Tada, another chapter in the books!!

I hope that you like it, cause i spent a while writing this. so comment and give me pointers or just tell me how you liked the chapter after it has gotten just a tad bit longer.

Later readers!!!

-backs away slowly-

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