Chapter 1

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Hey guys! It's Ariana. This is the rewrite one of my previous books, Hunted. Some changes have been made to the characters and storyline so feel free to comment on weither you like the new one or old one or if you think you can help improve my writing. All comments are welcome except any fowl language or rudeness.

Thank you for your support and if you like what I write, you can follow me on here or check out my previous stories on my old account @ArianaOlds~

I love you guys and Thank you for your support♥

The picture is of Lzzy.


The ominous moon lit up the cold, rainy night. The streets were dark and deserted, leaving an eerie feeling in my stomach. The wind blew through my long black hair, making it stick to my face, my jeans stuck to my legs like glue. The rain soaked through my jacket, freezing me on the inside. Everything was so quiet, I felt so alone.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps behind me, I spun around to see but nothing was there. My heart beat accelerated, I turned back around then I noticed a dark figure appear down one of the alleys. I froze then started to walk towards it.

My converse squeaked against the pavement. The alley was empty except for a couple of dumpsters against the walls, with a nauseating stench. The figure never moved, I started to think I was just seeing things then the moon lit up a pare of glowing red eyes.

The figure sauntered towards me. I tried to move but my legs wouldn't budge. I couldn't see any distinguishing features about the figure other than the fact that it toward over me about 6'2 in height. I felt an arm snag me by the waist. I heard a low growl which eliminated any thoughts of escaping. Their breath trailed down my cheek then lips came at a stop in the nape of my neck. A barely there scream escaped my lips as needle sharp teeth slid deep in my skin. My throat started to burn, I could barely breath. A silent scream escaped as my breathing grew shallow.

My vision blurred around the edges, my knees collapsed out from underneath me. The figure held me tightly as everything went black. I lost conscious as I heard a voice whisper my name


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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