This Is Me

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Savanna's POV:

As the new week starts, i'm once again dreading to ongo the so called best four years of your life. But for me a poor girl from Indiana? Everything just seems to get worse. Let me start off with just a little bit about me. I'm Savanna King, I'm 17 years old and I go to West Indiana High School. I'm an only child. My parents, Johnathan King and Autumn King grew up in a poor town in West Indiana. I lost my mom to breast cancer when I was 14. Which left me with my drunk of a father. Since we aren't the richest people, I mostly wear the same clothes to school...which is the main reason as to why I get bullied. It all started right after I lost my mom. Bethany Harrison, richest girl on the block. Popular girl in school. She moved here from Cali, her Father's a music producer. She has think blonde curly hair that forms her face. She has green eyes and is about my height. Even though she has the tendency to make herself appear bigger than me. Her style of clothing is beyond my liking. Her seven inch heels with her leather pants, is part of her everyday outfit. When she moved here, to Indiana, she the talk of the school. Every guy basically drooled over her like a dog. The girls here fell in love with her, to as they thought she was the nicest girl they've encountered at a school like this. But for me? Well every moment she has, she spends making my life hell. As I continue my daily routine for school, I throw on my black ripped jeans, my plain white T-shirt and black combat boots. I leave my curly, dark, red hair in it's natural state before I head to the bus stop. I grab my beanie and quickly try and escape through the door, without my dad hearing.

"Savanna!" I hear my father yell from the door way. By this time I was out the door and outside our gate walking to the bus.

"So close." I murmur to myself.

" You better be home as soon as I hear that bus drive by, you hear me?" He always gives me the same old lecture every morning. How I should be home on " time", when he isn't even home half the time himself.

"Like you'll even be home." I say under my breath.

"What was that out of your mouth just now!" He yells from the door. I look back at the sound of his voice and see him charging from the door to the bottom of the porch. I quickly pick up my pace and start to jog to the bus stop, which is two blocks away...

"Seems as if it's the same old same old for you huh?" I hear the voice that lives in the back of my head.

"It's kind of errupting to have to hear your dad yell every single morning." She says while walking closer towards me hand and hand with her boyfriend, Michael Jackson. He's the hottest guy in school.

"So got any marks or bruises on you today?" I hear her say with laughter in her voice.

"Bethany cut it out." I snap my head to the quick recognition of a different voice, come to find out Michael snapped at her smart remark. I sit there staring at Michael with confusion as to why, but I quickly look away when I see his head start to turn to face me. I stare out at the road in front of me pondering when this bus will show up...when I notice Michael staring at me in my peripheral vision. Beth is running her mouth to Michael but I highly doubt he is hearing any of it. The sound of the bus pulling up distracts me from my thoughts. As I run up onto the bus I hurry to the back. I dont like to sit around people, I like to reserve myself and contract my personality of who I am because who knows the next person that will take the green light and bully me. But truth is I dance...everyday when I get into school theres this room that I found in the basement, I go down there and dance. Not only to hide from people, but to release my stress and pain...from everything.

I sit in the back and put on my favorite song and close my eyes picturing the perfect routine. Beth and Michael take the seat next to me. And so it continues. I can already feel her eyes glaring at me.

"You know you never answered my question back there." She says chewing her gum obnoxiously.

"I don't have to answer or prove anything to you." I say avoiding eye contact. I hear her scoff and I feel her eyes shift away from me so I quickly look over to see her playing with Michael's hair. She's so obsessive it's kind of disgusting. I shake my head and continue back to focusing on the soft medley of the music playing throughout my headphones. We reach the school and I get up and make my way to the front of the bus to the school.

Michael's POV:

Savanna is a very strange girl. Dont get me wrong, she's really pretty but there's just something about her that's very strange. I know alot about her, and you're probably shocked because of how reserved she is to the outside world but I have a good idea as to what I know about her. All I ever see her do is listen to music and then she's gone half the day, which proves my point as to why she seems so strange.

I sit here on the bus watching her run off...where is she going in such a hurry? I ask myself. I nudge Beth to get up and stop messing with my hair. Beth is very obsessive and it gets really annoying and yes, I know she's my girlfriend but idk...I guess i'm just not feeling this relationship like how I did in the beginning. But If i leave this relationship I won't have the money to go off and chase my dream of being a musician ....she's the only thing holding me financially, to be able to do so.

Beth and I walk into school. I see Savanna walking and pushing her way throught ther over-crowded halls and then dissapear. I gather my thoughts to the high pitched voice standing next to me.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I say asking beth to repeat herself.

"Why do I feel like you zone out and don't even pay attnetion to anything I have to say anymore?" She says getting angry. I roll my eyes in aggravation. Still thinking about where Savanna might have gone. I try to leave this conversation with Beth as quick as I can.

" I am paying attention babe...I'm sorry." I say sympathetically, and kiss her forehead and walk off to "class".

I start to walk down the hallway I saw Savanna walk down earlier. I stop at where I saw her last before she dissapeared and look around as to where she could have went. I look down both hallways, and try to think of where in this school someone would go to hide away...Until something grabbed me from my thoughts.

"Is that music?" I say to myslef. I turn around and try to follow it as best as I can. It ends up leading me to the basement staircase. Why didnt I think of that? I quitely open the door and carefully shut it behind me, and slowly make my way down the stairs trying to be as carefully as I can. I see a light on and at this point the music is loud enough to where I find the room where it is coming from. I finsh down the last step, and walk up to the doorway. I hide behind the wall and peak my head around the side. I'm taken back in shock to what I see right infront of me with my own eyes....

Savanna's a dancer....?

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