Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

He was standing up, with the help of the wall. The colour was coming back into his face, taking him back to his former beauty.

Can guys be beautiful?

Well, he certainly was. I suppose it could be described as handsome, but it was more than that. Cute was a word that I usually assosiated with kids or girls wearing pink bows, or puppys and kittens, so it wouldn't be that either. There was something more to this boy, in every sense. Duh, he just healed you with weird black things! 

It took him about ten minutes to stand by himself, and even then he wasn't very steady. Now that I had the time to look at him properly, I noticed that he was wearing a pair of red and blue board shorts, with a simple black shirt. I found my eyes wandering up to meet his green ones and looked away hastily when I realised I was staring.

"You seem to be attracting a fair amount of trouble," he observed.

"Yeah," I muttered.

"Come on, I'll walk you home." He was getting stronger by the second, like nothing had ever happened to him. It was crazy. Maybe I was hallucinating? He had somehow beaten up the school bully, who was unconscious in a heap on the ground, healed all of my injuries and himself in the space of fifteen minutes. What was he?

"Are you sure?" I asked warily. He might just be extremely polite or prideful... I don't want him to get hurt for my sake again. But, he nodded eagerly, so I agreed anyway.

My brain was buzzing from all of the questions that were swirling around. “What exactly happened back there? What's with the black floaty things? Why haven’t I ever seen you before? Why have you chosen to help me? And saving me twice? I hardly think it’s a coincidence.” I blurted. My mind was spinning so fast, I was starting to get a headache.

“Whoa, slow down there." He chuckled. "I guess I just like helping people."

He was avoiding the 'black things' question. Maybe he was just a bit uncomfortable speaking about them. What did you expect? I asked myself. You are practically a stranger. 

"Surely you could tell me something in a little more detail..."

"Maybe some other time." he said dismissively. Even though he didn't know me, I thought that he could at least tell me if he was human or not! But, seeing the expression on his face, I knew he wasn't going to give in easily. I decided to give him a bit of space for now, even though I was curious as hell. I could slowly gain his trust and he would confide in me. Or, I could just find his weakness, use it as leverage and make him tell me everything I wanted to know. But he would probably be withholding so much more information that I could imagine.

We walked in silence, time passing quickly as it was only about 10 minutes from my house. I was building up my elaborate plan to seduce him into telling me everything.  Every now and again I would try to sneak a glance, but he caught me more than once. 

"See you later," he muttered as we approached my house, turning to leave.

"Hey! Wait! You're just going to leave?! What's your number?" I practically screamed at him.

"I don't have a phone."

"What school do you go to?"

"I dropped out."



"When will I see you again? How can I find you?" Oh god, I hope I don’t sound like some crazy stalker or fan girl or something…

The worry in my mind evaporated as he stepped closer to me and brushed some loose hairs from my face, making tingles run down my spine.

"I will be watching." He whispered, before briskly turning around and crossing the road. My mind was screaming for me to chase after him, but an unknown force was holding me frozen in place. My heart was hammering and as much as I tried to move, I just couldn't.

As soon as he disappeared from my vision, I was released from my trance-like state. My body was itching to run after him, yelling out for him to stop and stay with me forever and keep me safe…. Okay, that was a bit creepy. But still, I did want to follow him. However, the rational part of my mind, that wasn’t having fantasies, knew my attempts at trying to find him would be pointless and unsuccessful, especially in the glare of the afternoon sun.

I sighed, unlocked the front door and walked into my cosy house. I put my bag down and headed straight for the kitchen. My mum would usually be home by now, and I was always a bit creeped out at being home alone. 

The phone started ringing and I jumped out of my skin. I could feel my heart beating against my rib cage, surely this couldn't be healthy. I was becoming too much of a scared-y cat.

I grabbed the phone, "hello?"

"Hi honey, it's mum. I will be home at around six-thirty, work is keeping me late today. Is there anything you need at the shops? I'm going to drop by on the way home." she said quickly. She was obviously in the middle of something, so I made it quick. I asked for a jar of nutella and some apples, then hung up. Nutella and apples were my absolute weaknesses. She probably got sick of buying them for me. I couldn't get them because I didn't have a job, therefor, I didn't have any money.

My last boss fired me because I put the chicken next to the prawns in the deli section and one of our customers, who was coincidently allergic to prawns, ordered a chicken. The customer threatened to sue and I was fired. 

Glancing at the microwave, I noticed that the time was three thirty, which meant I had two and a half hours until mum would be home. My dad was away at a conferance, so he wouldn't be back until tomorrow afternoon.

I was going after Ryan.

A/N; Sorry it took so long to upload, I was stuck for ideas D: It would be appreciated if you could comment your opinions of what should happen so I don't get stuck :) and don't forget to vote!! ~Jesse

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