Chapter 4

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"What's that supposed to mean?!" Itsuki felt himself rise from his seat in a cold fury. Was this a threat? 

"I know what you are Sato. Like it or not."

"How do I know your not lying about that?" Itsuki was speaking in spite of himself. Challenging Mr. Nomura was not going to help him, but Itsuki was feeling rather indignant at that moment.

"Did I not make myself clear?" Nomura raised his eyebrows in a fashion that greatly irritated Itsuki. "I know you're a mage, Sato. And I know you haven't registered."

"There's no way you could know that," Itsuki said, sitting down again and folding his arms defiantly. "You can't prove I'm a mage, and I know it."

"Cocky, aren't you. Did you think I was lying about working for the government?"

Itsuki didn't answer. He had debated over that claim before, and had come to the conclusion it was likely a front. Telling Mr. Nomura this, though, would likely be unwise.

"Digging up dirt on people is what I do for a living. Of course I have evidence to back up my claim."

"Alright then, so you know I'm a mage. And you'll tell the authorities if I don't cooperate, is that it." Itsuki's face felt hot with fury. 

"Essentially, Yes."

"You're sick."

"And you're an illegal mage," Mr. Nomura countered. His eyes seemed to be daring Itsuki to challenge him. Contredict me if you dare, they seemed to say.

Itsuki decided he did not dare, so instead he changed the topic. "Can you at least tell me why you're having me do this?"

"I cannot give you the details—"

"Does it have to do with Artemis?" Itsuki blurted out. He had spoken before he could stop himself, and realized to late that he may have just made the greatest mistake of his lifetime.

"What?" Mr. Nomura looked taken aback.

He paused, wondering if he dared to elaborate. Mr. Nomura, however, pressed him once again. "What?" 

Itsuki gulped. He did not want to answer, but let the consequences fall where they may; The guidence counsel's eyes were so cold that things would likely be no better for him if he kept silent. "Artemis," he reapeated. "You... You're working for her, right?" 

Mr. Nomura's eyes widened, and he rose to his feet. Itsuki shrank into his chair, internally punishing himself for his stupidity. "How do you know about that?"

Itsuki knew it was no use backing down now. He gulped. "I, uh, kinda overheard you and her talking the other night. In the cathedral."

Itsuki, expecting to be yelled at or worse, closed his eyes. There was a short silence, and then, to Itsuki's astonishment, Mr. Nomura began laughing. Itsuki opened his eyes and stared at the man. He was still standing, hunched over and shaking with laughter. Eventually he sat down, clutching his side. "Sir?" Itsuki asked.

"The look on your face," he said, still laughing lightly. "Priceless."

"I don't think it's very funny sir," Itsuki said with a glare. Why was he laughing so hard anyway. Shouldn't he be worried to know that someone else knew of that conversation in the cathedral. It had seemed pretty private at the time.

 "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be laughing at you," he said, stilling himself. "Honestly, I'd thought someone might have been eavesdropping. So it was you." 

"You're not going to get me in trouble, are you?" Itsuki asked.

"This would only be one more charge for me to add to your guilt. What's sneaking out at night and eavesdropping got on being an illegal mage. No, I'm not going to tell on you." He laced his fingers again and placed his head, looking thoughtful. "Actually, this makes things much easier. If you heard that conversation, then I assume you've also guessed about young Kurosaki?"

"He's that boy Artemis was talking about, right?" Itsuki felt some of the unease he'd felt lifting. It felt good to talk to someone about the incident, even if he was a psychotic guidance counselor.

Mr. Nomura nodded. "Yes. He is."

"So Kurosaki is working for Artemis!" Itsuki said, a little more triumphantly than he had intended. So he wasn't a complete fool after all. He was beginning to think he'd given himself too much credit for his knowledge.

"I'm not entirely sure," Mr. Nomura said with knitt eyebrows.


"What do you mean? She as good as told you right?" Itsuki felt an unprecedented twisting in his stomach. Was he wrong about this too? No, he couldn't be.

"She told me to use him, not that he was working for her. Her mid works in strange ways.... and the boy, well, he's a special one."

"How do you mean?" Itsuki asked him.

Mr. Nomura opened a drawer in his desk and pulled a file from it. He closed the drawer and began to read the file aloud: "Akihiko Kurosaki, born August 16, age 11. Goes to school at Lakewood Private Middle School. Perevious schools, unknown. Parents, fake. Birthplace, unlisted. Basically nothing is known about this kid except his name and age. It's odd to say the least."

Itsuki nodded, though it wasn't so much odd as it was suspicious.

"I tried to get Artemis to tell me more about him, but you heard how that went."

She had brushed him off. Yes, Itsuki remembered. 

"She wouldn't tell me anything," Mr. Nomura continued. "And Kurosaki won't either. I wouldn't be surprised if he does not find me somewhat frightening." 

Itsuki couldn't really blame him if he did.

"He won't open up to me, but he might open up to you."

"And why would he open up to me?" Itsuki said with raised eyebrows.

"Because you're the same as him."

Because you're both unregistered mages. It didn't need to be said. So this had been his grand master plan all along. Itsuki sighed. How did he always get himself into messes like this? "So basically, you need me to get all buddy-buddy with Kurosaki so he spills his secrets, is that it?"

Mr. Nomura didn't answer.

"If I agree, you won't report me?" Itsuki said.

"That was the agreement," Mr. Nomura said.

"Alright then."

Mr. Nomura looked somewhat surprised. "You're agreeing?"

Itsuki shrugged. "Looks like it."

Mr. Nomura smiled wearily, then gestured to the door. "Why don't you join your friends for breakfast. I'm sure everyone is wondering where you've got to."

Itsuki gave him a wry smile in response, then stood and turned to leave.

"Sato," Mr. Nomura called.

He turned to look back at him. 

"Thank you."

Itsuki shrugged, then turned back and exited the office. 

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