Roommates & Teammates -Part 1

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During their bowls of noodles Dylan and Yue looked over their class schedules. They only had two classes together which was History on Tuesdays and Art on Fridays. It seems between their individual courses the only other time they would be able to get together was during lunch at the cafeteria. Dylan still didn't know what his Basketball practices were yet. After finishing lunch they still had an hour and a half before Dylan had to meet his coach at his teammates at the open basketball  courts, so the two decided to go to their dormitories and possibly meet their new roommates. Once they reached the dorm buildings they noticed that can only be described as a small park seperated the female and male dorm rooms. There was even a series of small ponds in the center. There were benches and grassy knolls where students could sit and relax and it was all lined by trees of different sizes and shapes.

The dormitory rules where simple but if rules where broken students could be thrown out. The rules where as follows.
1.) Both the females and males could visit the other but they had to stay in the common/reception area
2. To be approved entry they had to use the intercom by the front door. The visitor let the front desk personal who they were visiting. The front desk would then call the individual for acceptance.
3. No visiting after 9 pm
4. Access was only provided by their ID cards to admit entrance in the correct buildings.

Shen Yue :

Gaining access into the dormitory for the female building she was shocked to discover that the building although looked cold and industrialized on the outside was warm and inviting on the inside. There was areas to sit with tables and chairs. There was also areas to sit that had colorful beanbag and low tables with pillows. The common area also had a small computer room on the left to be shared by those who couldn't afford to own a laptop. In the center was a small dinning area with four microwaves and a beverage bar to make coffee or have hot water to have plain, make tea, or make prepare porridge/instant meal. On the right side was a study room with a small library, couches, and a few small tables. Yue went to front counter to find out the floor and room number she would be in. The girl's dormitory consisted of five floors. From the front desk Yue would be on the second floor and her room number was B56. She discovered that she would have two other roommates and they were already in the room. After receiving a map of the dormitory Yue took the stairs instead of the elevator. Reaching her floor and walking the hallway to her room she left her self in. In the room Yue was surprised the room was expansive.  The three beds where lined up against the wall where the windows were. Currently there was a study desk at the end of each bed but looked like there was room to arrange based on your roommates. There was a small kitchenette on the right side of the door with a small counter to place a few appliances, a fridge that had seen better days but still worked, there was open shelving for plates or food, and a bar counter slash table with 3 wooden stools. Along the left wall were the wardrobe cabinets and shelves for each of the roommates to place their personal items. On the right wall in the center was a door that must lead to the bathroom. Yue saw all this within just of a few moments of entering the room. The bathroom door opened and two girls came out.

One of the girls looked about her height. She had shoulder length hair that looked like it was brownish black in color except for  a purple streak in her hair. She was wearing a pink leotard, a short jean skirt with a white blouse. She had a nice oval face and large brown eyes. The other girl looked like she stepped out of a fashion magazine. She was taller and Yue was guessing 5'8" or taller without the high heel stilletoes she was wearing. She had long black hair that almost reached the middle of her back. The black slacks seemed to emphizie her long legs and the off the shoulder flowered top showed off her smooth shoulders and flatter her tiny waist. She had almond shaped eyes and dimples that showed while she was smiling. Yue honestly felt like a frumpy old couch compared to these two and wished she will be able to get along with her new roommates.

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