Year 2

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"Good morning Abby, Happy one year since meeting each other!" The boy's voice melted through the phone.

"Good morning Finny, happy one year!" She smiled to herself as she continued to type her paper on her laptop. "What are you up to today?"

"I have to head to set soon; you know the drill, what about you?"

"Well, I am currently writing a paper criticizing whether Fargo could be considered postmodernist Neo-Noir. "

"Oh... that sounds... exciting." He says with a tinge of confusion lacing his voice.

"You have no idea what any of those words mean huh?" She said chuckling lightly to her boyfriend.

"I have absolutely zero idea." He says bursting out laughing.

She giggles along with him before quietly starts humming. And then she starts whisper singing. Before she starts full on scream singing S.I.M.P. from Phineas and Ferb as a joke. She finishes a part of the song, out of breath and laughing loudly, the other side of the phone was silent.

"Finny, did my singing really hurt you that badly?"

"No, I Just don't understand why you know all the words to that song?" The girl screams out of embarrassment and nostalgia.

"That was my favorite! Phineas and Ferb had some bangers, don't play me."

They continue talking for a little while before she got distracted by writing her paper and he had to hang up. To them, it didn't matter if they were in each other's presence as long as they could have the intimacy of talking and laughing with each other. Over the past year they had grown comfortable in communicating with one another through a screen. Although it wasn't an ideal way to form a relationship, it worked for them. They saw each other when they could, which so far had only been once, but they held out hope that there would be more.

Little did the girl know, that the next time they would see each other, would be a mere few hours after they had hung up the phone and only minutes after she had submitted her paper.

The girl had heard a knock on the door, ready to go answer it before her Aunt Renee yelled out that she got the door. She had only heard her aunt say hello, and nothing else. She got a little worried as to what happened but she decided it was for the best not to worry about it. Abby rolled over facing her back towards the door to her bedroom ready to take a power nap before she would eat dinner with Renee.

She only rolled back over when she heard a hand place itself on the cold metal of her door knob.

"Surprise Abby Babby." She couldn't believe what she was seeing, although she hated when he called her that, she could never hate him. She rubbed her eyes, and when she realized she wasn't imagining him standing in her doorway she leapt from her bed and jumped into his arms.

"You know I hate being called that." She whispers in his ear with a fake pout.

"But it's so cute to see you pretend to be mad at me." The girl pulled away with fake offense. She went and sat on her bed, crossing her arms with a huff of breath pouring from her nose.

"Let me read your paper."

"Why would you want to read my paper Finncenzo."

"If you can call me Finncenzo I can call you Abby Babby." She rolled her eyes while smiling at his comparison of the two. "Anyway, I want to read it because you're my girlfriend and I want to be the most proud of you that I've ever been."

Her smile was so big, her cheeks started to cramp. She pulled the doc up on her computer and passed it to him. He was reading, and reading and reading. And when he was done, he turned to her with a smile and told her how amazing it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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