reality in motion

135 17 0

i sink and fall and drop a penny down the wishing well
where i am everything i want to be i've got
a flashy car / 0 to that 60 huh
a flashy ring / ganymede metal concrete water pool
a flashy house / 9th level plexiglass dream

i will it into being and i am suddenly there in a crown
with diamonds in my teeth
the pride i swallowed sits like a pill and
under the pressure of my heavy heart she
fizzes and oxidises and carbonates into a diamond in the rough
gold roughhousing bare knuckled fist fights
caged dogs throw themselves against the bars because the ground is getting too hot it's
all too real a polyphonic vision
all the boys look pretty
all the girls got money

call the taxi cab the hot tire hits the tarmac
so hard it shatters the road straight down its bulletproof white line
i float in my youth of emptiness and cry until the wolf inside finds the diamond of pride lodged in my pancreas and
she cracks it between her teeth a cyanide pill bye bye lover heart
it wasn't nice knowing you.

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