Chapter II

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Kim JaeWoong looked at the letter in his hands and felt puzzled.

He walked over to the window and reflected on the empty surroundings. He had always loved lonely Seoul and the feeling he got from it; it encouraged his tendency to feel relaxed.

As his long and thin fingers touched the cold glass, he made a little jump backwards, not expecting the temperature to be this low outside. He pushed his glasses back, to make them sit perfectly on the bridge of his nose, regaining his composure. His resting face made the room more tense and empty, unlike when his dazzling smile is on.

He sighed, rubbed his eyes from tiredness, and looked back at the window. His eyebrows raised as he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of his childhood friend and newfound lover, Han Jisung, who was a cute weirdo with the best grin on earth.

JaeWoong gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was an immature, kind, chocolate lover with curvy lips and a skinny body. He still couldn't understand what was going through Jisung's head when he confessed. Why would the adorable Jisung want to date the unsocial and awkward Jae? For him, it was still a big mystery.

JaeWoong's train of thoughts was instantly interrupted by the sound of Jisung's signature knock.
He slowly opened the door, cheeks as red as tomatoes.

As JaeWoong stepped outside and Jisung came closer, he could see the lonely glint in his eye.

Jisung gazed at him with all of the affection in the world. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you."

JaeWoong looked back, even more unstable and still fingering the tiny letter. "Jisung, I... uh.." he stopped.

He nervously gulped as the younger one's face started to soften, "still not used to sweet words, am I right?"

They looked at each other with sad feelings, like two broken souls.

JaeWoong regarded Jisung's pink, plump lips and Jisung's beautiful smile. "I.. uh.. feel the same way!" revealed JaeWoong with a fake grin.

"aww my baby is making progress, I see," Jisung rested both of his hands on Jae's cheeks as he happily squished them together.

Jisung looked jubilant, his emotions made him the happiest squirrel on earth.

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