Pt. I: Who am I?

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Tatia ~

   My name is Tatia. Tatia Kingston. I live Miami, Florida. I am the worlds most well known business woman. I own not only one company but several. My companies are not just nationwide but global. Why you ask? It's all I've ever wanted. Unfortunately there's always a 'but'. I got more to it. Not only am I Tatia Kingston, but I'm Athena Escobar. I know what you're thinking. 'Escobar?' Yes, Escobar comes from Pablo Escobar, the devil himself. I went through hell, because of that man. I became the cold hearted woman I am today, the cold hearted woman people describe me to be. One of the most feared woman. A woman. It should sound like a joke huh? Not to be sexist with my own self, but it's mind blowing to think of a female as one of the "most feared". I wasn't like this all the time. In fact, I'm not actually an Escobar. My real name is Esther Zelaya. Daughter of two Latino immigrants. Proudly. And gladly. My mother was Mexican, while my father was Salvadoran. I lived a childhood, not the best but, better than my current adulthood. I didn't exactly enjoy my teenage years but once again, as I said,  better than my current double life. Let's just say, I crossed the path of the wrong person. And that one person. My dear enemy, DEAD as a matter of fact. Pablo Escobar. Now that shootout ? It was all me. I avenged my lost years of life. I avenged the torture and the pain I went through because of this horrible man. What can I say? A tortured soul, becomes stone cold. I took over his "cartel" which is now my little mafia world, and killed his brother. I have his wife still captive. No I don't torture the woman. She hates me for gods sake and I'm sure that's enough torture as it is by taking over her dead husbands mafia when is should've been her, "precious little bitch of a daughter". And her daughter ? Banned. Threatened. Her son? Wanted nothing to do with the mafia. The coward took the easy way out. And well shit, we weren't related, but god damn was I the one to expand and get his "cartel" to the peak.
So why the last name? Well, I decided to take the family heirloom, the family last name, in spite to who they turned me into.  Though of course, in my "regular business", it's just miss Kingston.

  Love. Love is weakness. Blindness. Denial. And a threat. I don't know what it is any longer. And I am in no way shape or form interested. I have family. I have sisters. Cousins, blah blah. All that. No one knows except for me and my right hands. No one knows where they live, their names, what they look like. I kept my distance after taking these roles. And no. I'm not selfish to keep this to myself. I make billions each year and I send them almost five hundred million each year. And almost six hundred million, go to charity. Ofc the rest is for me and my businesses. What better way ?

So who am I really ? I don't know. I'm many people but I'm never myself and who I truly am. I don't know myself. Nor does anyone else. And will the day ever come that the person deep within me will faintly come out ? I don't know. And time will be the only one to tell.

Welcome to my mafia and business world. And This. This is who I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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