louis wolf

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Saphire: unfortunately one of my many followers has been diagnosed with cancer.

Bonnie: ummm...

Saphire: Now I treasure each and every one of you like a gift, with great care. To lose one of you would break my heart

Chica: you tell her

Freddy: no, you tell her.

Saphire: I just want to know if you guys will be supporting her every stepof the way so that she will conquer cancer. Please, I don't want lois wolf facing this by herself

Emily: dine I'll tell her, unlike you lot, to scared to talk to her

Foxy: aye, you landlubbers are a load of softies

Donna: she was talking about you Foxy as well

Katie: go on Em

Saphire: thats all I wanted to say so-

Emily: he hello

Saphire: wait, I know this place

Freddy: so you should

Chica: can anyone else feel that?

Emily: yeah, I thought it was just you who could feel magical presences

Saphire: just watch *creates a ball of water in hands*

Foxy: I think I may be in love

Freddy: how did you do that trick, the kids would love it

Saphire: it isnt a trick, its magic.

Bonnie: you have to come tomorrow morning, show the kids

Emily: yeah, I will be there nice and early

Chica: great, tomorrow morning Saph and Em could organise a charity event to raise money for cancer reaserch

Everyone: lets do it

Foxy: and they mignt even let me out of the cove for one time


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