2 Waking Up

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Abby started to wake up. She was cold. Her clothes were gone. She was lying there in her underwear and socks. She had to pee so bad. She slowly opened her eyes. The room was small. The walls were dirt. There were little clear Christmas lights strung across the ceiling. 

Abby struggled to stand up. Her head was splitting and she was about to throw up. She made it a toilet in the corner. There was a small trash can by the wall.  After using the toilet, Abby made her way back to the mattress on the floor. She tried to remember what had happened. She saw a blanket and used it to cover up. She laid there and tried to listen for any noise that would  tell her where she was.

There was a humming sound of a motor and the gurgling sound of water, but nothing else. Abby's head was hurting so bad. She curled up and hoped the pain would go away. A short time later, she heard a door open and footsteps. Abby stayed perfectly still and quiet. A lock was opened and another door opened. Someone was in the room. Then, she heard his voice.

"Abby, AAAAbbbbbyyy. Are you awake? Come on. It's time for you to wake up. I have food for you." It was K. Abby wasn't afraid. She sat up with the blanket wrapped around her. "Oh," he said. "Here are some clothes for you. You must be cold." K took a bag from the table and handed it to her. She pulled out a t-shirt and some sweat pants and put them on. 

"Where am I?"she asked. "Don't worry. You are safe. Here, eat," he replied. Abby walked over to the table and sat down. She opened the box and found a cheeseburger and some fries. There was a cup of soda. She slowly at the burger, trying to hold back the nausea. She took a big sip of soda. 

"My head hurts. Did I fall?" she asked. "No, must be the weather. I'll get you a Tylenol," he replied, "Eat." K left and came back with a bottle of Tylenol. Abby asked again, "Where am I,K? What am I doing here?" 

He didn't answer her. Abby took 3 of the Tylenol washing them down with the soda. She was hungry and and the burger was good. She ate more. When she finished, she sat and stared at K. "Well, are you going to answer me?" 

K took a deep breath. "You just left me. Don't you love me anymore? I tried to find you. I wanted you back." Abby was starting to see what was going on. "K, I got married and moved on . You had no plans to marry me or even be seen with me in public. I was your dirty, little secret. I wanted more. I wanted to be married. I wanted to have children. I could never have that with you," Abby explained.

K was becoming upset. "You had no right. It wasn't up to you to end what we had."  "What we had?" Abby screamed, "WE didn't HAVE anything. You came to me when you just wanted a quick piece of ass. I thought you cared about me for so long. I let myself love you and you treated me like shit."

Abby took a drink and continued, "You got married and didn't tell me. You fucked me on Friday and married her the next day. You obviously didn't love her either, because you kept coming to me after that. What did you think I was going to do? "

K stopped her, putting his finger on her lips. "Shhhhh. I know you got married. I was there, sitting in the back. It was all I could do not to object. But I knew it would ruin your special day. I wanted to be the one up there with you. I made a mistake. "

Abby couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was this an apology. She had seen the signature in the guest book from her wedding. She didn't want to believe it was him. Now, she knew the truth. 

Abby took a fry and bite of burger. She took another gulp of soda. The headache was going away, but now she was feeling dizzy.  K watched her and started to smile.

"Now, you are all mine," he said. "You are going to stay here with me. We are going to make sweet love. You are going to love me again."

Abby's vision was getting blurry. She took another drink. K helped her up and put her on the mattress. He told her his "grand plan"  "Here's how it is gonna be Abby-Dabby. You are gonna give me what I want and I will start bringing you rewards." As he spoke, he took off her pants. Abby tried to speak. K put his finger on her lips. "Shhhh. It is ok. I am gonna take care of you. Now, lets see you are still has sweet as I remember. " Then, he raped her. It wasn't brutal but it was wrong, so wrong. 

When he finished. He told her that there was a shower behind the door on the opposite side of the room, but she could only use it when he told her. She made her way to the door and went inside. It was a small room with a walk in shower and a sink. K had stocked it with soap, shampoo, and towels. She turned on the water and climbed in washing away his smell,  his fluids, the feeling of his hands on her. She got out and dried off. She walked out and back to the mattress and got dressed. 

She walked back to the table. Her shoes were on the table. The cup of soda was gone and replaced by a can of Pepsi. "Enjoy your dinner. And your first reward. Be good and you will get another one. Be bad, and you sit here on the floor, cold and hungry." With that he walked to the door and left. 

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