Chapter 10 - Vampire

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Mia's POV:
"Why are you here" I asked looking at my dad. "He did this to u" my dad asked looking up from a book on the table. I started to walk towards my dad slowly but he pulled his gun on Derek. My heart was beating so fast, I listened to Derek's and it was steady. The door opened behind us Scott came in.

"If you shoot him you lose both of us and mom" he said walking in. "And your job" sheriff Stilinski said behind Scott with his gun drawn pointed at my dad. "Dad please, just listen to me for once listen" I said looking at him then the floor and back up at him. He put the gun down but still healed onto it. "I am still ur daughter just with heightened senses" I said trying to get my heart rate back down. "And fangs, claws and facial hair" he said still unimpressed. "I choose to be like this and if u don't like what I choose or at least pretend so I can be happy then u can leave but I'm not going this time" I told him. He didn't say anything he just stood there.

My eyes slowly closed as I put down my head at his decision not to say anything and I turned around to leave as well as Scott. "How do I know your kind isn't any harm to humans" my father asked. "You have to trust me" I said still turned around. "I will trust my daughter not anyone else" he said making me turn around. He held out his arms out for me to hug him, I slowly walked toward him as I noticed his gun was on the table I walked normally and hugged him. "And my son" he said looking at Scott we all looked at him. "How did u know" Scott asked. "I have heard u and ur sister talking" my dad said making me rethink on how loud I talk. "You knew all along" Scott asked. My dad nodded his head.

The three of us left and went back home. My mom was getting dinner ready when there was a knock on the door. "Is that Derek I can set another place" my mom asked. "I didn't invite him" I said as I walked to the door and opened it I was speechless when I seen who it was..... Stefan, my ex.

"Stefan" I said confused. "Hi, I ugh have been looking for u" he said with a small smile. I turned my head towards the kitchen and looked back at him. "We shouldn't talk here" I said going outside and closing the door behind me. "Why" he asked with a curious look. "My brothers hearing has increased" I said making him observe me. "U have changed" he said not looking impressed. "Please Stefan" I said walking towards my car. He followed me and we both got into the car and I drove us somewhere.

"A lot has changed since we last saw each other" I said starting off slow and keeping my heart beat down. "Like what, have you been running with the wolves" he said with a smile. "Yes actually" I said making him stop smiling. "My boyfriend is a werewolf" I added. "You wouldn't let me change you but the moment you get here you hook up with this guy to make you a werewolf, I can't believe you would do that" Stefan said getting angry. "From what I remember you didn't care what happened to me since you left me for some other girl" I said also getting angry that he was getting angry. "Wait until Damon finds out about you" Stefan said looking out the window then back at me.

"Don't bring him up" I told him as I looked away. "I'm sure your boyfriend would love to hear your history with vampires, you know what I'll even call Damon all of us can catch up" Stefan said taking out his phone. I got out of the car and started to walk away. "What are you gonna do run" Stefan said getting out of the car. I pointed my keys at the car as I kept walking to lock it.

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