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"no.... No!!!!" King screamed into the open air. sobs raking his shoulders. He clutched Helbram's lifeless body growing cold in his arms. "Don't leave me..." He whispered. Not loud enough for anyone to hear. Helbram's finale words filtered through his mind. " Take this. It was supposed to be a gift, but I thought it was to dumb for someone like you.*cough* ,with it.... I will always be with you." He had placed the helmet in Kings lap before his arm had gone limp. The light had long left the boys eyes. But King refused to let him go. The knights around him held gazes of sympathy and pity. But King couldn't care less. His best friend had just died. What else could he do. After 10 minutes of heart-wrenching guilt Guila went over and knelt down beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder. King pulled helbram closer to his chest, and sobbed harder. Before long Guila and Howzer had their arms wrapped around his shoulders. They sat like that for a while, holding the fairy in their arms trying their best to comfort him.. Till finally King's sobs trickled to a stop. He slowly pulled himself together and got up. Howzer and Guila released him, moving to stand a few feet away.. King gently put on Helbram's helmet feeling the metal rest against the crown of his head. " I'll wear it with pride and think of you every time I do" he swiped his hand, commanding Chastiefol, it dug into the stone in the road, and within a couple minutes there was a grave, only big enough for the small fairy to rest inside. After he was finished. King picked Helbram up and placed him in the newly dug grave. "May the eternal Fairy Lord welcome you my friend." Diane had gotten up,and  was sitting behind him. Howzer and Guila stood next to him. All of them silently grieved either for the lose of a friend or for the small King himself.  "Let's go help the others," King mumbled, taking to the air. he flew away back to the fighting and the other sins. He went from sad to emotionless in the time it took him to get there. With a sigh he dove back into the fighting letting that do the talking instead of himself.
Author here! Hope you like the story!  If you have any questions please feel free to ask them!
Poor King!!!
Also I thought the video at the beginning was fitting for the story. If you haven't already seen the show there is a little summary of what happened before the story starts. Though fair warning most of it is Kings flashbacks.

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