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they fighting went on for to some what felt like hours. To others it felt like 5 minutes. This is what it felt like to King. in his state he wasn't able to hold him self back. No emotion was in his attacks. At all. he was nothing but stone until the end of the battle. He struck without mercy.
-time skip-
"Sir King? Are you alright?" Elizabeth asked genuine worry in her eyes. "Fine." Was all he said. he took Chastiefol and left. He floated outside. Watching the sun set. "Why did you have to leave me? I miss you Helbram more than you could ever know." "Than tell me." King jumped. Not expecting to hear anyone else out there with him. He turned and immediately froze. "T-this can't be happening." Tears pricked his Amber eyes. "But it is and I'm here,so tell me how much you miss me." Helbram held open his arms and King hugged him. "How are you here?" King whispered. Helbram chuckled. "I convinced the Fairy Lord let me come back to earth. He said I could as long as I had an object to inhabit." King pulled away. " So that's what you meant when you said that you will always be with me." King smiled. Though King didn't notice Helbram was blushing slightly. So cute. Helbram smiled softly. "But no one else can see you? " King tilted his head. "Not unless I want them to. Even if they put on the helmet." Helbram smiled again. "Though you still haven't answered my question. How much did you miss me?" King smiled softly. His face turned red as a tomato. He pulled himself together and said. "My heart ached in the gaping hole of my chest. It hurt so much to know that I wasn't  going to see you again. But I guess I was proved wrong." King smiled. The blush on his cheeks increased. Helbram went a bit red. This time King noticed. "Someone is blushing." King nudged him "s-shut up." Helbram turned away and King laughed. Then Helbram thought of something. "Come here." Helbram grabbed Kings hand and pulled him away into the forest. He pulled him deeper and deeper into the forest till they were in a small clearing far enough away that they couldn't see the boar hat. King stood admiring the clearing for a moment. When Helbram suddenly pushed him into a tree. "Helbram! W-what are you doing!" Helbram pined his hands to the tree keeping him from moving. He smiled a sly smile. Before leaning forward and whispering in Kings ear. "What I should have done years ago." He moved even closer to King before pressing his lips against him. Capturing him in a soft kiss. At first King was shocked but after a moment he melted into it kissing him back. Helbram released his hold on the sin. Moving his hands to his waist. King wrapped his arms around Helbram's neck. "Your adorable." Helbram whispered as he pulled away. "I try." King smiled. "I've been waiting to tell you this for a while now but..." Helbram took a deep breath. " I-i I love you!" He looked King directly in the eyes waiting for rejection. " I love you too." King whispered. "Always have. Always will." He looked to the ground. His face flushed bright red. Helbram stood saying nothing for a moment. Then he leaned over and kissed King again. instead of being gentle and teasing like last time this one was hungry and lustful. Helbram bit Kings lip slightly asking for entrance. Which he granted. Helbram slipped his tongue into Kings mouth exploring ever inch of it. Before he pulled away for breath. King stared at him wanting more. He sighed. "We should head back." He turned in the direction of the boar hat. And moved into the forest. Helbram followed him.
"See you tomorrow!" King smiled and flew into the tavern. significantly more happy then earlier that day. "Ah! King your back!" Diane smiled at him. Usually if Diane did this he would turn red as a beet and start stuttering. This is how Gowther knew something was wrong. For King wasn't even phased.  Instead he just smiled and said "Hi Diane!" "Dinner!" Ban called from his place behind the bar. King moved forward and took his food. Like he did every day. But instead of sitting to talk to the others he went outside and sat on the deck. He smiled at the air next to him and said something. He was silent for a moment then he turned bright red and turned away from the air next to him mumbleing something."Is Sir King alright?" Elizabeth asked. Melodious  slid up next to her. "I don't know." " Yeah he's never done this before." Diane looked worried. "There!" Ban cried. Pointing. "What is it ban?" Gowther asked. "There was a shimmer in the air! I could have sworn I saw something!"  His brow furrowed. Before he marched over to the door throwing it open. "Whatcha doing King?" He asked. Leaning over his hands on his hips. King looked over his shoulder. "Eating?" He looked confused. "Ok. Spill." Ban raised and eyebrow. "Spill what? Ban are you ok?"  Ban sighed. "Ok look. You have been talking to the air all evening,and I saw something next to you. So what's going on?" Ban narrowed his eyes. "There is nothing there." "Ban are you alright?. King asked. Ban just sighed and left. As soon as he was gone King let out a small breath. "That was too close for comfort." He said. Helbram chuckled. "By the way. Helbram? How did he see you?" Helbram chuckled again.I can make myself visible to everyone is I choose to be. Or if I get to distracted." He smiled.  King went red. Damn it he's cute King sighed again before picking up his plate and taking it inside.
Sry. I accidentally published this
So it may be bad. But hope you enjoyed anyway!

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