[part one] you are my sunshine

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Dear Nico, my stupid money- hungry therapist told me to write my feelings down in a diary. Because, it's supposed to help with my anxiety and depression. Just so of the annoying noisy #%*^ come snooping around and come across this. This is NOT A DIARY! IT IS A JOURNAL. Uggg this is so stupid.

Well this whole disaster  began when I  was about  seven. I was playing outside it was a beautiful day . Clear weather not a cloud in the sky. Unfortunately  the place in Italy were we lived at the time was not so beautiful . It happened in an instant  the rainbow ball I was playing with started to roll into the street. I looked up as a black van drove past with a gun hanging out side the window. With a loud bang I watch my mouther fall to the ground. Blood oozing out from were her kidney is. I don't remember much after that. My dad  moved to America shortly after that. He soon remarried a girl named Persephone. I than got another sister Hazel.

  What got me so mental to need therapy, and to write this you ask. Well I will never forget that night.  I was sick in bed with the flu. My sister Bianca and Hazel were at a friends house. Persephone and Dad went to pick them up. On the car ride back some bastard ran the red light causing them to crash into their car. There were no survivors. I remember flipping through the channels to find something to watch. Than I landed on the news channel I saw a familiar  looking car with a the heading a fatal crash all are dead.  I was put in foster care for a month till I turn eighteen. I had to start at a new town, a new high school, a fresh start. Not many can say they get a third chance to start over. I wish I was able to say I did not get  a third chance, but I did.

sincerely, Nico Di Angelo

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