Chapter 3: Business by the Lake

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Passing back through the forest that surrounds the village for the second time, I realize that the majesty of it has faded, being replaced with a level of ominous. From what I can see the others don't seem to be concerned. The air in the surrounding area has most definitely gotten heavier since my arrival though. As we walk a strange feeling of being watched lingers over me and I keep looking behind me expecting to see something. Becoming irritated, my turns become more aggressive, causing my hair to whip around my face and get caught in my nose ring. Hearing giggling from behind I turn around once more to find Marceline the Vampire floating close behind, to where she admits to being the cause of my brief paranoia. Annoyed, I pick up my pace slightly and come up along Saber who greets me with a friendly smile.

Walking for a few hours, I am able to get a decent reading of each member of our party. Starting with Zak, he seems to be used to taking responsibility for things despite seeming more reserved. Mature far beyond his years from the looks of it, his presence demands respect, but at the same time, he emulates great humility. Always at his side is Saber who I have taken a liking too. Chivalrous, duty-bound and kind are only a few of the attributes she possesses. As an incarnation of the legendary King Arthur, which makes me curious why she's a girl, she definitely deserves the title from what I've seen so far.

Artyom is another I've grown to like, he is often hard to understand but will make sure you walk away knowing what he said. Despite seeming light-hearted most of the time, you still get the feeling that he carries his experiences very close, due to the aura that surrounds him. Seeming close in personality, Kady enjoys his company from the looks of it. Headstrong and boisterous, she is outwardly the most confident of the group, always making sure her voice is heard. Friendly as she may be, I feel like she still isn't the type to be crossed.

Between the three; Kamina, Yoko and Simon there is a strong bond from shared experiences. Kamina is close to Kady's level of confidence and sometimes comes off as being cocky at times and can be a bit to headstrong for his own good. Yoko tends to keep the two in check, Kamina more than Simon, having good maturity while still having a personality to match her age. Simon is more reserved than his counterparts, mostly shadowing Kamina; he seems to lack the confidence of the other two. All in all the three of them are fun to have around and bring a good level of energy to the party.

The last two; Bubblegum and Marceline I am more familiar with, having spent more of my time going over there universe than any of the others. They are easy opposites, Marceline being more rebellious and carefree while the Princess, being more similar to Zak, is diligent and often more accustom to carrying responsibility than not. All around I like our group, with a good variety of personalities; it should make out to have some interesting experiences.

Night comes after a long day of walking and we decide to set up camp. We stop in a small grassy opening that has a good view up at the sky and all of its stars. Artyom, Kady, and Bubblegum being the only ones, who brought packs, get straight to setting up their tents. Turning to Zak who had said he had everything we would need, I give him a questioning look. Returning my look with a wink, he pulls out a small scroll and lays it out open on the ground. Making a few hand signs he then places his hand on one of the Japanese symbols on the scroll and after a cloud of smoke puffs out, multiple tents and camping equipment appear out of nowhere.

"I thought you told me you weren't a ninja?" I say slightly annoyed that he hadn't been honest.

"I didn't lie to you, I am no ninja. Yes, I have a few abilities, but don't think that I deserve such a title." He answers with a suspiciously forced smirk.

"Don't mind him Mikky; his modesty tends to get the best of him," Kady says.

"Yes, and your mouth tends to get the best of you." Zak snaps back to which Kady only laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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