Chapter 4

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[Bang] (Crying)

[Beep] Bang? Are you alright? I'm sorry everyone forgot your birthday.

[Bang] It's not your fault, man. I'm just upset because only you remember.

[Beep] Well, I got a surprise for you that'll cheer you up.

[Bang] Really? What is it?

[Beep] If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, silly. Now close your eyes.

[Bang] Ok.

Beep grabbed Bang's hand and led him outside.

[Beep] Alright, Bang. On the count of three open your eyes.

[Bang] Ok. I'm ready.

[Beep] Ok. 1 2 3.

When Bang opened his eyes.

[Everyone] Happy birthday, Bang.

[Bang] What? I thought you guys forgot my birthday.

[Jazz] We did for a while until Beep reminded us.

[Bing] Yeah. We'd never forget your birthday.

[Bang] Thanks, Dudes.

The End

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