War Changes People

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Well everyone. This is it. The last chapter. I realize this might be very long. But who cares! Longer the better! Thanks for all the support and love for this story! I love you people! But every story must come to an end! Now this will be the last chapter. I will put up an authors note after this telling you guys what the title for the third book is. I love this story! I think this is my best one so far! Thanks for sticking by me and supporting me and this book it means a lot. This is the only free time I have and I use it for you people! I do use it for friends and family. This story has come far but I must end it and I think this story has gone great. Tell me how much you guys like this story and if you are looking forward to the next book! Thanks for the support! It means alot. I will see you guys in the authors note which is the last chapter to post. Thanks for the support! Enjoy the last chapter of A Deadly Coma! 


Ty's P.O.V

I hit the ground and look up. I see Ghost falling towards me. She lands on me. 

"I'm sorry Ty." Ghost said. I look behind her. The Enderdragon is coming at us. 

"It's fine and move!" We move in different directions. The Enderdragon comes at me. Of course he does. I go up in the air and the dragon is on my tail. I am pushed back to the ground. I turn around. I see a tail coming at me. I put my hands up and catch it. It's pushing down at me with brutal force. The ground under me is breaking so I am going into the ground. Great. I look at Ghost. 

"A little help Ghost!" 

Ghost's P.O.V

I stand up. 

"A little help Ghost!" Ty yells. I turn around. Ty is under the dragons tail and is about to be crushed by it. I set out in a run towards Ty. I put my hand back and I grab my sword. The dragon looks at me. It roars at me and tries to hit me. I jump over the attack and I am over it. I throw my sword and I land on the other side of the dragon. I stand up and look at it. The tail is gone. Ty stands up and he looks at me. We nod and I run to the other side of the dragon. We put our hands up. The dragon looks at me. 

"You can't do this." It said. My eyes widen. Did it just talk to me?!  I shake my head. I grin. 

"Well Ty." 

"Do it." Ty said. A purple flame its up my fists. Ty's arm suddenly turns into an obsidian sword. We jump and hit the dragon. The dragon screams and explodes. We go flying back and I hit something soft. I open my eyes and I feel something soft. I am on Ty! Of course I am. I have my head on his chest and my legs are between his. I look at him. I feel my face turn red. 

Ty's P.O.V

Ghost land on top of me again. Am I a cushion to her? I look at her. Her face is bright red. 

"Sorry Ty. I must like landing on you." Ghost said. We are covered in purple blood from the Enderdragon. Ghost smiles. 

"It's fine." 

"Really?" Ghost asks. I look at the sky, the black sky. Well we did our part. I see Ghost's face above me. She leans in and kisses me on the lips. I feel her hand go on the side of my face.

Ghost's P.O.V

You know this is a perfect moment. I go above Ty and he looks at me. Here hoes nothing. I lean in and kiss him on the lips. I can feel the fireworks happening, I knew that he was the one for me.  I lay on him and put my hand on the side of his face. I feel his hand go on my neck. Wait a minute. He likes me back! O my god. I'm so glad that I did this. I thought he would have pushed me off of him. But no he actually likes me. 

A Deadly Coma (A Skybrine story): Book 2 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now