In The Midst (One Shot)

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In the midst.

It was a gloomy morning, the sky was covered by the clouds. The wind was cold as ice, my body trembled. As I woke up, I saw myself naked in the woods without directions. And in that time I knew I was lost. My anxiety started to creep into my mind. What the hell happened to me?

Recalling my memories... My visions started to blur. Warm liquid was felt on my face. I-II knew I cried. I felt betrayed, unwanted and disgusted of myself. How could they do it to me?! I slowly got up in the the wooden plank. Blood was everywhere. I saw my ripped clothes and without hesitation I wore it. Felt my body ached with lots of bruises. Why am I not yet dead? I walked slowly clearly without destination. The cold breeze made me hug myself, the clothes weren't enough.

Trails. I mouthed. Their trails were still vivid and in that time I saw hope. I followed their path, thinking many ways how I can avenge myself because of what they did. Whilst my thoughts were lost because of thinking a perfect plan, I have arrived at the roadside. Funny. How perfectly they planned my current situation but the only flaw of their plan was I'm still alive.

North Carolina. I read at the signage. Wow! They really planned it well. They left me at the Devil's Tramping Ground forest thinking I was dead. It will be a long road to take in order to arrive at their doorstep. Wanting to see how would they react still in my existence. As I walked at the roadside, a car was driving by so I rushed at the road and blocks its way. A screeching sound was made and an angry driver walked out of the car. Seeing my current state his expression changed. Rushed at me before I lost my consciousness I was embrace by his arms and sniffed his masculine perfume.

I slowly opened my eyes. White light welcomed me and unfamiliar room. Hospital. I guessed? I examined but I was wrong. I was in a bedroom and I saw a man's back. Talking in a language I can't understand. Spanish? French? I can't really pinpoint it. As he ended the call, he faced me and their I saw a handsome greek god walked towards me. I gasped. As he leans closer and place his palms at my forehead checking my temperature. Our eyes met. As much as I want to stare at him longer, I broke the eye contact we both shared.

"Thanks." I mouthed at him. But I did not get a reply. So, I just closed my eyes remembering all the things that happened to my life. "What date is today?" I asked. "February 29." He replied. Leap year. It took me a week to wake up because of what I've suffered. I let out a deep sigh and I opened my eyes. His still looking at me intently. Questions were written all over his face. "What's your name?" was his first question. "Maliyah." I replied. "Why are you at the Devil's tramping ground looking dead with lots of bruises and a ripped clothes?" without taking a breath he asked me. "I-ii was meant to be killed but managed to be alive. They betrayed me and left me like I was some kind of a garbage. Trusting them was my biggest mistake cause look where I am, barely living and suffering from what they did." tears were present when I told him what happened. Heartache because of betrayal was the most difficult part.

Silence filled the four corners of the room. So my sobs was evident. Until I felt a warm hug embrace me and now I can't contain my tears as they pour like a rushing stream. No sound was made by the two of us but I felt secured with his embrace. After several moments, I looked at him and moved back to give space. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. As soon as I gain my strength I will soon be out of your sight Mr. - - - -." I lost my words. Clearly unsure how will I address him. "Black. Oden Black." as he reach my hands with a formal gesture. "I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble Mr. Black." as I grab his hand and made contact. My body shivers to the sudden feeling of electric shock. I withdraw my hand quickly due to the sensation I'm feeling. "Just take your rest Maliyah." he said as he turn his back at me leaving me inside the room. A complete stranger helped me with an open arms not knowing what I might do to him if secrets starts to unfold.

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