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(Background Information)

My name is Jessica and I have a secret.

A secret that no one knows and people don't know I exist.

My father is Severus Snape and my mother is Lilly Potter.

They had me in secret, 4 years before my brother Harry was born. Then 31 October 1981 came around. I was 4 years old and I didn't know that, that morning would be the last time I saw my Mum. That night my world collapsed and my father's heart shattered. I was with him when he saw my Mum on the floor. "Run Jess!" He said through his sobs but I didn't. I was paralysed in fear. Then I heard him his sweet little innocent cry. I looked up and saw his face tear stained and scared. There was a scar deep in his head but his eyes shimmered in the light. I had never seen my brother before but I knew of him. I walk past my devastated father and lifted the baby out of the cot and into my arms. I gave the baby to my father and he whispered to my lifeless Mum "I will take care of him Lilly, I promise. When he comes to the school I will make sure that Voldemort won't steal his life too. I will love him like a son. I will take care of Jess too." He started crying harder and I joined in hoping this was a dream. But it wasn't. It was a nightmare.


12 years ago I lost my Mother, now I am 16. I have flashes which is a gift and a nightmare. I can see the future I short snip-its and It always comes true. I have seen Harry getting selected for Gryfinndor and Voldemort coming back. But I have a recurring flash of my father getting attack by Voldemort and his snake. Dad was slumped against the wall, defenceless. I wanted to scream but I couldn't it was like I was trapped in a horror film, I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to watch. I have had the same flash over and over again. So I came up with a plan, steal the time turner and go forward in time and save my father. So if I fail I can start again.

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