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I turn my head to look at it and notice it's a metal arm. My eyes travel up the metal appendage and come across a red star, hmm a red star maybe he's Russian. My eyes then carry over to the man's face. I'm met with a cold icy blue stare of the man. His hair long, dark and stringy almost as if it was coated in some sort of dried liquid. He has stubble lining his chin and lower jaw giving him more of a rugged look.

The man suddenly speaks, his voice deep and void of any emotion as he speaks in a thick accent seemingly Russian.

"He's awake"

The scientists then turn to face me with a menacing glint in their eyes. "Ah, I see you're awake Stark"

A man with glasses and brown dull eyes and thick accent but not the same as the man with the metal arm, no his sounds more German or maybe Swiss. He soon walks towards me with a syringe in his hands that's filled with a yellow liquid.

"I hope you aren't afraid of needles cause this might hurt a bit" he says as he injects me with the syringe administering the liquid into my blood stream.

"W..what did just give" I tried to say as the liquid was already in effect and causing some a huge amount of pain even to my dully aching body.

"Only something to make you stronger and more valuable to Hydra, Stark"

The pain was soon beginning to become too much for me to handle and it was getting harder to breathe as black dots soon began to appear blocking parts of my vision. In the next few moments all I saw was black as I slipped out of consciousness.


Bucky's POV:

The boy, Stark I'm assuming started breathing heavier by the second since he received the serum. I have no idea what this serum does, but I believe it was made to replicate the effects of the super soldier serum but dialed down as the first replica of the serum was used on me, but it didn't have the effects that the scientists here at the base wanted.

As the seconds go by the boy's breathing becomes more and more labored as his heart rate is shooting through the roof, a few seconds later he passes out.

"His vitals are dropping quickly" the scientist to my right says in a worried tone. They then rush to regulate the boy's vitals and although I don't know the boy, I have this urge to rip everyone away from him and protect him from everyone and everything.

    A few days later

Every day I see the scientist inject him with something new although he isn't awake when it happens. As a matter of fact, he hasn't woken up since the day he passed out, but his vitals are fine and he's healthy and somewhat adjusting to the serums being given to him. I don't know when the boy will wake up but I hope it's soon so I can get him out of here and get him home or at least away from here.

I look up at the sound of movement coming from in front of me. The boy's eyes are open and he's looking around a little lost perhaps not fully conscious or at least not aware of his surroundings. One of the scientists walks towards him to check how he's doing and to see if there is anything remotely wrong with him from the serums, but out of nowhere his eyes turn a bright blue and he grabs a hold of the man's arm and flips him.

The other scientists call in some guards trying to detain him as he starts to lash out and is getting defensive. The guards come in a few minutes later but by then he has knocked out all the scientists and his next targets seem to be the guards. He soon starts taking out the guards but at this point there is too many to take out by himself without making a scene and alerting the whole facility. I then start to take out the guards near me that have guns aimed at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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